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In my web application, there are two types of data I need to show in the html view in different tables.

So First I created two different view models to store data.

So in the controller I have wrote this code to send the data to view models

List < RecognizedPartsViewModel > Reco = new List < RecognizedPartsViewModel > ();

var rData = (from i in db.InventoryMain join p in db.PartCategory on i.PartCatogary equals p.Id where i.ReOrderQty != 0 && i.AvaQty <= i.ReOrderQty && i.PartCatogary != 0 select new RecognizedPartsViewModel {
    PartNo = i.PartNo,
    Description = i.PartDescription,
    Model = i.PartModel,
    AvaQty = i.AvaQty,
    ReOrderQty = i.ReOrderQty,
    PartCato = i.PartCatogary,
    ABCD = i.A_B_C_D_Category


List < UnRecoPartsViewModel > unReco = new List < UnRecoPartsViewModel > ();

var rUnData = (from i in db.InventoryMain where i.ReOrderQty != 0 && i.AvaQty <= i.ReOrderQty && i.PartCatogary == 0 select new UnRecoPartsViewModel {
    PartNo = i.PartNo,
    Description = i.PartDescription,
    Model = i.PartModel,
    AvaQty = i.AvaQty,
    ReOrderQty = i.ReOrderQty,
    ABCD = i.A_B_C_D_Category


So I need to know that this data I have to show in the same html view. So how can I call these two view model as separate list in the html view?



  1. You need to create another model that can take both types of data, that is 1 List < RecognizedPartsViewModel > and 1 List < UnRecoPartsViewModel > and you would pass this model to your view and access each one of your lists using this model

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  2. If your data model has structure described in the question you can use the one class for two cases:

    public class PartsViewModel
        public string PartNo { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public string Model { get; set; }
        public int AvaQty { get; set; }
        public int ReOrderQty { get; set; }
        public string PartCato { get; set; } // Used only in the a table for RecognizedParts
        public string ABCD { get; set; }

    And then create a new class to included separated list for each category:

    public class PartsDataModel 
        public List<PartsViewModel> RecognizedParts { get; set; }
        public List<PartsViewModel> UnRecognizedParts { get; set; }


    public ActionResult Index()
       // ... copy your previous code here, but use `PartsDataModel` class 
       // instead of `RecognizedPartsViewModel `UnRecoPartsViewModel`. 
       var model = new PartsDataModel() 
           RecognizedParts = rData,
           UnRecognizedParts = rUnData
       // Create the view
       return View(model);
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