i want to add some data into dropdownlist from database and don’t have duplicate data , so i did this ~
Dim ads As New Web.UI.WebControls.AccessDataSource
ads.DataFile = "~/app_data/board.mdb"
ads.SelectCommand = "SELECT DISTINCT [photo_species] FROM [phototable]"
Dim dv As DataView = ads.Select(New DataSourceSelectArguments)
For i = 0 To dv.Count - 1
but when i run the code it shows the same data again and again
Change the 0 in this line:
to i:
It is not clear if this is a vb.net (NOT vb6), and it not clear if this is a web page (asp.net), or a desktop only program?
If this is asp.net (web based), then this should work:
First, the web markup is this:
Like most drop downs, there are (can be) two columns.
The "hidden" value – in most cases the database PK row ID.
And then the display value. (hence in above Value field, and text field).
DataValueField = hidden column – value returned from drop down
DataTextField = the display column from the data table (to display).
our code to load is thus this:
And we now get this:
And if in code we need to test/get/look at/grab the selected value?
Then use this code:
The above allows you to get both columns (the hidden one), and the text/display one.
As a general rule, you can also use the .Text property of the drop down list to get the selected value.
So, this also gets the value.
so, above will return the same as DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Value