I am passing empty value in json payload in datetime field. Below is json payload example.
Here in dateOf in Loans2021 I am passing ""
"isCompany": null,
"Loans2020": {
"dateOf": "2022-12-31T19:00:00.000Z",
"Amount": 1000,
"Loans2021": {
"Amount": 0,
"dateOf": ""
I am getting error as per below.
"errors": {
"request": [
"The request field is required."
"$.Loans2021.dateOn": [
"The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.DateTime]. Path:.."
I want to pass empty string in datetime field so any idea how to do this.
I am using C#, .net core in web api
You’re trying to pass a string to an object of type
.Try to implement a custom json converter.
In your C# property, add the declaration:
Here is an example:
You can’t pass the dateOf in this "" format instead of this pass the dateOf as null.
Try like this
But Before this set your dateOf property as nullable in your entity class