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I’m newbbie on Azure DEVOPS CLI, and I need assign an specific user to all projects in my organization using AZURE DEVOPS CLI. The total of projects of the organization it´s about 25 projects.




  1. You can use below command to assign user to entire organization, Once the user is assigned at the organization level, The user has access to all the Projects inside it. Reference here.


    az login
    az devops user add --email-id [email protected] --license-type stakeholder --output table --send-email-invite true --org


    enter image description here

    enter image description here

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  2. To add a user to all projects in your organization using Azure DevOps CLI, you can refer to the followings.


    • Ensure the user has been added into your organization. If not, you can add the user from UI or using DevOps CLI az devops user add.
    • You must be a member of the Project Collection Administrators group.


    1. Run az devops project list to get all the project id.
    2. Run az devops security group list to get the descriptor of the target group to which you want to add the user.
    3. Run az devops security group membership add to add the user to the target group.


    The following PowerShell scripts add the user to the Readers group of all projects. Replace the value of userEmail, organization, AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT and displayName based on your requirement.

    # Define user and organization details
    $userEmail = "{The user email}"
    $organization = "{Org name}"
    # Define Personal Access Token (PAT) as environment variable for authentication
    # Get list of all projects in the organization
    $projects = az devops project list --organization$organization | ConvertFrom-Json
    # Loop through each project
    foreach ($project in $projects.value) {
        $projectId = $
        # Get the Readers group descriptor for the project
        $groupid = az devops security group list --organization$organization --project $projectId --query "graphGroups[?displayName=='Readers'].descriptor| [0]"
        # Add the user to the Readers group
        az devops security group membership add --group-id $groupid --member-id $userEmail --org$organization
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