Hi guys im following the next tutorial from azure:
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/apimanagement/current-ga/subscription/create-or-update?tabs=HTTP&tryIt=true&source=docs [Azure create or update suscriptions]
I already made it work,but i dont know from where comes from the Bearer token that the example uses
Can anybody explain to me how i can get that bearer token? actually im planning to use this to create api keys from the back end but i dont exactly know from where i can request that bearer token.
I know it says "Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow" in the part of security but can anyone explain to me how that works?
you can get the bearer token by following commands in postman:
post https://login.microsoftonline.com/**{tenantid}**/oauth2/token
From your application you can get the tenant id and client id
Azure portal ->Azure active directory ->your app->overview
client secret:
When you send the command you can get the bearer token.
Azure REST API: Create Bearer Token – cloudopszone.com
Alternatively, you can generate the Bearer token/access token using cloud shell from the portal by following the below steps
Power Shell
this will give you the access token.Here is the sample output for reference: