I am what sku I should use that is based on arm64 + support nested virtualization as needed by Install-WindowsFeature "Hyper-V"
Install-WindowsFeature : A prerequisite check for the Hyper-V feature failed. azure-arm: 1. Hyper-V cannot be installed: The processor does not have required virtualization capabilities.
I have tried Standard_D2ps_v5
but it doesn’t support nested virtualization.
The error you encountered above is due to the selected SKU: Standard_D2ps_v5, not supporting nested virtualization. You can use Dv3 and Ev3 series Windows Server VMs.Check nested virtualization-supported SKU’s here.
I created a Windows VM with the SKU: Standard_E4s_v3 with Security Type: Standard.
After creating the VM, Hyper-V was installed on the VM
After restarting the VM, Hyper-V was installed on the VM.
How to Setup Nested Virtualization for Azure VM/VHD
I have check the ARM64 VM architecture, seems no size support
Nested Virtualization
which have the suffix ofpdf, pls, or plds, etc
You can check details from this links
Further more, someone also confirm it, links