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I’m not sure why, but calling this DataLakeDirectoryClient.CreateSubDirectoryAsync function creates a sub directory and a zero byte file of the same name. I only want it to create the sub directory. Note: I can see the zero byte file in Azure portal’s Storage Browser, but not in Azure Storage Explorer.

myDirectoryClient is of type Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake.DataLakeDirectoryClient

var mySubDirectoryClient = await myDirectoryClient.CreateSubDirectoryAsync("my_sub_dir");

Now I have the zero byte file, but no directory.
Next, I upload a file to the sub directory. fileName, mylocalFilePath are set elsewhere with valid values. The new file creation and upload works fine.

var newFileClient = mySubDirectoryClient.GetFileClient(fileName);
await using var uploadFs = File.OpenRead(mylocalFilePath);
var response = newFileClient.UploadAsync(uploadFs).Result;

Now I have the zero byte file, and the sub directory, and the file in the sub directory. Files/folders in picture have a different name (not "my_sub_dir"), but they were created the same way.
enter image description here

Is there a reason I have the extra zero byte file? Can I prevent this? Or do I just need to delete it afterwards? Or would deleting it be an issue?

I somewhat understand why the empty file is created, which I believe is that it doesn’t treat it like a directory until it contains a file. Kind of like how when you delete all of the files in a folder the folder disappears. I’d like to create the direct

Edit: Above code is snippets… I am uploading the entire function below, for clarity. This is a recursive function meant to copy all the files and subdirectories from a directory. It downloads a file locally, then uploads it to another location on a datalake, but as far as my question is concerned, the only code that should matter is in the if(path.IsDirectory??false)

async Task CopyDirectory(DataLakeDirectoryClient sourceDirectoryClient, DataLakeDirectoryClient targetDirectoryClient)
  var pathPages = sourceDirectoryClient.GetPathsAsync();
  var tasks = new List<Task>();
  await foreach (var page in pathPages.AsPages())
    foreach (var path in page.Values)
      var fileName = path.Name.Split("/").Last();
      if (path.IsDirectory??false)
        var sourceSubDirectoryClient = sourceDirectoryClient.GetSubDirectoryClient(fileName);
        var targetSubDirectoryClient = await targetDirectoryClient.CreateSubDirectoryAsync(fileName);
        await CopyDirectory(sourceSubDirectoryClient, targetSubDirectoryClient, targetFileSystemClient);
        //this only returns one path that is a directory per directory, not one zero byte file and one directory                        
        //var x = targetDirectoryClient.GetPathsAsync();
        //await foreach (var y in x.AsPages())
        //    foreach (var z in y.Values)
        //    {
        //        Console.WriteLine(z);
        //    }
      else if (true) //fileName.Contains("2023")) //filter here
        var downloadPath = localTempPath + fileName;
        var sourceFileClient = sourceDirectoryClient.GetFileClient(fileName);
        var properties = await sourceFileClient.GetPropertiesAsync();
                        tasks.Add(Task.Run(async () => await FileDownloader.DownloadFileAsync(sourceFileClient, downloadPath))
                            .ContinueWith((result) => FileUploader.UploadFileAsync(targetDirectoryClient, properties, downloadPath))
                            .ContinueWith(async (result) => await DeleteFilesAsync(downloadPath)) // this cleans up the local file



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    This is more of an explanation of "why it didn't work", rather than an answer.
    The root cause is that the storage account I was writing to was not Data Lake Storage. It was a plain old Blob Storage. It was not my account; I was just trying to move some files from my ADLS Gen 2 to their storage account. The code I had worked when I tried to create sub directories on my own ADLS Gen 2 account. Hopefully it can help someone else.

  2. I have reproduced in my environment and below are expected results:

    Before creating main and sub folder:

    enter image description here

    To create Main Folder and Sub Folder with same name you can follow below code:

    using Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake;
    string constring = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=rithwikst;AccountKey=laUfWt+AStx9qP7Q==;";
    string conname = "rithwik";
    string folderPath = "/myfolder/myfolder";
    var rithclient = new DataLakeFileSystemClient(constring, conname);
    Console.WriteLine("Folder and subfolder created Rithwik Bojja.");


    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    If you want to create a Sub Folder in Existing Folder with same name follow below code:

    using Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake;
    string constring = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=rithwikst;AccountKey=laUfW9qP7Q==;";
    string conname = "rithwik";
    string folderPath = "/myfold";
    string subFolderPath = $"{folderPath}/myfold"; 
    var rithclient = new DataLakeFileSystemClient(constring, conname);
    Console.WriteLine("Subfolder created Rithwik.");


    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    This is how I create folders and subfolders in Storage account without getting extra files with 0 bytes.

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