I am using azurerm version of 3.50,
I am using the resource of "azurerm_linux_function_app" and i have zip file generating from .net code.
I am using a parameter named "zip_deploy_file" that supports zip format as {path.module}/functions.zip.
The problem here is, there is no error to show you… but in the same time functions are also not creating.
I have tried via storage account but need to achieve via "zip_deploy_file" pls suggest…
Can you share your Terraform code, how did you make the .zip file? For example, in AWS Lambda zip file must be made in a certain way to work (permission and folder structure wise).
And I imagine you have seen this notification that pertains to using the zip_deploy_file parameter?
Using this value requires WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE=1 to be set on the App in app_settings. Refer to the Azure docs for further details.
Have you set this value to 1 on the Azure App?
I had a similar problem when I´ve tried to config a windows function app and I ended creating the function through the azurerm_function_app_function resource.
You can use it to upload the required files (with the file argument), define the input/output bindings using the config_json argument, etc. Have you already tried it?