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i have two azure functions type timer that untile few days ago works correctly. I did not change anything in the the same as the previous week. Today i was going to start the project to test the interaction with API but the funciotns didn’t start and throw this error.
I tried to put a debug point at the start of the function but debug doesn’t start, throw immediatly this error without entering in the function. What is the problem??What should i do?

As i said i don’t think is a code problem so if it is not necessary i will not post it.

enter image description here

this is my local.settings.json :
enter image description here

[EDIT] Error as text:

For detailed output, run func with --verbose flag.
[2023-04-03T11:00:08.960Z] Host lock lease acquired by instance ID '000000000000000000000000029601DB'.
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.905Z] The listener for function 'WeeklyUpdateStandings' was unable to start.
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.908Z] The listener for function 'WeeklyUpdateStandings' was unable to start. Azure.Storage.Blobs: Service request failed.
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.913Z] Status: 500 (Internal Server Error)
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.917Z] Headers:
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.919Z] Server: Azurite-Blob/3.19.0
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.921Z] x-ms-creation-time: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 13:05:03 GMT
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.922Z] ETag: "0x1F823F265BF6F90"
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.924Z] x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.928Z] x-ms-lease-state: available
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.931Z] x-ms-lease-status: unlocked
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.932Z] x-ms-client-request-id: 33215f58-4617-40bb-b83d-c2cbfc569778
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.934Z] x-ms-request-id: 5f791a85-41f1-466f-897e-bd6a304e3d0f
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.937Z] x-ms-version: 2021-10-04
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.939Z] Accept-Ranges: bytes
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.940Z] Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2023 11:00:28 GMT
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.947Z] x-ms-server-encrypted: true
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.949Z] x-ms-blob-content-md5: ju8YOCtSeTzOodG9Hn2PtA==
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.951Z] Connection: keep-alive
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.953Z] Keep-Alive: REDACTED
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.955Z] Last-Modified: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 13:05:03 GMT
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.957Z] Content-Length: 127
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.963Z] Content-Type: application/octet-stream
[2023-04-03T11:00:28.965Z] Content-MD5: ju8YOCtSeTzOodG9Hn2PtA==

[EDIT] if i start a new project with a simple azure function it works correctly

[EDIT] in the new project, if i copy the functions and start it, works correctly. How is it possible?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I don't know if this is a global solution for every case but... I found wich process was listening to the same port of the blob services and kill it. After the installation through npm of azurite i started it and when i run the project it works correctly. So in conclusion, why another process take control over the port 10000 instead of Azure Blob Services, that in the previous days use the same port normally??


    1. netstat -ano | find "10000"
    2. kill the process that use the port : taskkill/F /PID 21500
    3. if not installed, in packet manager : npm install -g azurite
    4. run azurite: azurite --silent --location c:azurite --debug c:azuritedebug.log

    but i don't understand why visual studio doesn't lauch azureite automatically like alway did last week.

  2. but I don’t understand why visual studio doesn’t launch azurite automatically like always did last week.

    Visual Studio will launch the Azurite Storage emulator automatically but that emulator should be in running mode in the system.

    To make that, you can either run the Azure executable file or from the command line before opening the Visual Studio.

    You can find the process of running the Azurite Storage emulator from this section of Microsoft Document.

    But if the port is using by any other process, then you need to do the steps like you did in your solution either killing the existing process to make the port open/free or changing the port – Steps Reference: 44976890

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