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I am working on an Azure Function App. It needs to retrieve all groups in Exchange. I am using this simple C#, .NET Core code:

GraphServiceClient graphClient;
var groups = graphClient.Groups.GetAsync().Result;

But, I only get 100 groups. How do I increase this limit to unlimited?

A lot of searching, but no luck.



  1. You can make use of the PageIterator:

    var client = new GraphServiceClient(credentials);
    var page = await client
    if (page is null)
    //the resulting list with all groups
    List<Group> groups = []; //or use new() for C# lang versions <12.0
    var pageIterator = PageIterator<Group, GroupCollectionResponse>
            group =>
                //perform an action on each result
                //return true to keep iterating
                return true;
    await pageIterator.IterateAsync();
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  2. You can list all the available groups using $top query parameter.

    • With $top parameter, you can customize the result size.
    • If the response contains more results, Microsoft Graph will return an @odata.nextLink property to list the remaining groups.

    Below is my code Snippet:

     public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(
         [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
         ILogger log)
         log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
        string ClientId = "<Your_Client_ID>";
        string ClientSecret = "<Your_Client_Secret>";
        string scopes = "";
        IConfidentialClientApplication pravapp = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
            .WithAuthority(new Uri("<your_Tenant_ID>/oauth2/v2.0/token"))
         var authResult1 = await pravapp.AcquireTokenForClient(new string[] { scopes }).ExecuteAsync();
         string myaccessToken = authResult1.AccessToken;
         String authorizationToken = myaccessToken;
         string token = authorizationToken.ToString().Replace("Bearer ", "");
         TokenProvider provider2 = new TokenProvider();
         provider2.token = token;
         var authenticationProvider1 = new BaseBearerTokenAuthenticationProvider(provider2);
         var graphServiceClient1 = new GraphServiceClient(authenticationProvider1);
         var group = await graphServiceClient1.Groups.GetAsync((requestConfiguration) =>
             requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.Top = 5;
         return new OkObjectResult(group);
    • This will provide an @odatanextlink as shown below:

    enter image description here


    2. Paging Microsoft Graph data in your app
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