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I am using Kubernetes VPA as a resource recommender tool for my cluster and its generating the recommended specification for each deployment. But I would like to get a automated way to create the vpa recommendation to all the existing VPAs in a much readable format (preferred way is table format) dynamically.

I tried to create an Azure Devops pipeline and when parsing the json path from the kubectl get command I am not getting the resulted output.

k get  vpa myvpa -n mynamespace -o jsonpath='{status.recommendation.containerRecommendations.containerName[*]}'



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    This solved my requirement.

    kubectl get vpa -A -o json | jq -r '["Namespace", "AppName", "ContainerName", "LowerBoundCPU","LowerBoundMemmory", "upperBoundCPU", "upperBoundmemmory", "TargetCPU", "TargetMem"], (.items[] | [.metadata.namespace,] +(.status.recommendation.containerRecommendations[] | [.containerName, .lowerBound.cpu, .lowerBound.memory, .upperBound.cpu, .upperBound.memory, .target.cpu, .target.memory])) | @csv' >output.csv

  2. You might wanna fetch the VPAs with kubectl and pipe that into jq, something like

    $ k get vpa myvpa -n mynamespace -o json | jq ".items | @tsv"
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