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From Azure AD, Are there any ways to find users who does not have a speciifc group assigned ( the name contain %AVD% in it) ?

This is what I have tried:$expand=memberOf$search="AVD"$select=memberOf eq '%AVD%'

unable to get expected result. That is user principle name not a member of perticuler group which contain "AVD" in its name.



  1. To find users who does not have a specific group assigned, please try the below PowerShell script by Marilee Turscak-MSFT:

    $groupids = @("Group_Id1", "Group_Id2")  
    $userht = @{}  
    Get-AzureADUser -SearchString 'AVD' | foreach-object {$userht.Add($_.ObjectId,$_)}   
    ForEach($id in $groupids){  
    Get-AzureADGroupMember -all $true -ObjectId $id | foreach-object { $userht.Remove($_.ObjectId) } 

    I tried to reproduce the same in my environment like below:

    Initially, I executed below command to get the users with Jo in their names.

    Get-AzureADUser -SearchString 'Jo'

    enter image description here

    The user ObjectId "afcfad54xxxxxxxxxxx" is a member of one group like below:

    enter image description here

    After executing the PowerShell script, the ObjectId with "f1e72629xxxxxxxxxxx" returned as it is not a member of any specified groups:

    enter image description here

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  2. Firstly, Odata eq doesn’t support % to execute fuzzy query, and displayName property not support contains function, so there’s actually no solution for graph api to return your idea result.

    enter image description here

    Per my test, I think this request should work but it didn’t execute the filter actually.$expand=memberOf($select=displayName;$filter=displayName eq 'xxx';)&$select=displayName,id,memberOf

    So I’m afraid you have to execute the api first and then do the filter by your code. And I wrote a sample like this:

    using Microsoft.Graph;
    using Azure.Identity;
    var scopes = new[] { "" };
    var tenantId = "";
    var clientId = "azure_ad_client_id";
    var clientSecret = "client_secret";
    var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
        tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
    var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(clientSecretCredential, scopes);
    //$filter=displayName eq 'xxx' doesn't work
    var a = await graphClient.Users.Request().Expand("memberOf($select=displayName;$filter=displayName eq 'xxx')").Select("displayName,id,memberOf").GetAsync();
    List<User> users = a.ToList();
    List<User> res = new List<User>();
    foreach (User user in users)
        List<DirectoryObject> memberOf = user.MemberOf.ToList();
        foreach (DirectoryObject obj in memberOf) {
            if (obj.ODataType == "") {
                Group temp = (Group)obj;
                if (temp.DisplayName.Contains("Admin")) {
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