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This is the jenkins file. The execution fails because the subnetid does not get its value in the second bat command to add subnet to storage account firewall. The complete scenario is that I am deploying infrastrucutre(one vm inside a vnet) to Azure using terraform via jenkins pipeline, once this is deployed, in the next stages the workflow is to whitelist the same subnet to the storage account firewall.

pipeline {
agent any

environment {
    AZURE_RG = 'myrg'
    VNET_NAME = 'myvnet'
    STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RG = 'str_rg'
    STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME = 'str_name'
    SUBNET_ID = ''  // Initialize SUBNET_ID variable

stages {
    stage('Get Subnet ID') {
        steps {
            script {
            // Construct Azure CLI command dynamically with Groovy string interpolation
                def azCliCommand = "az network vnet subnet show -g ${AZURE_RG} -n default --vnet-name ${VNET_NAME} --query id --output tsv"
                // Get subnet ID
                SUBNET_ID = bat(script: azCliCommand, returnStdout: true).trim()

                // Add subnet to storage account network rules
                bat "az storage account network-rule add -g ${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RG} --account-name ${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME} --subnet ${SUBNET_ID} --bypass AzureServices"


The execution fails because the subnetid does not get its value in the second bat command to add subnet to storage account firewall. The complete scenario is that I am deploying infrastrucutre(one vm inside a vnet) to Azure using terraform via jenkins pipeline, once this is deployed, in the next stages the workflow is to whitelist the same subnet to the storage account firewall.

Expected Results: the value of subnetid must be passed as an argument in the second bat command and the subnet must get whitelisted to the storage account.



  1. This is because:

    • your empty SUBNET_ID is defined in the environment block – once it’s defined there, it cannot be updated within the stage;
    • SUBNET_ID defined in the script block is a different variable. If you want to use the environment variable in Groovy, you need to refer it as env.SUBNET_ID.

    If you only need the SUBNET_ID variable value within the bat script, try to delete the environment variable definition.

    If you need the same variable to be shared between the stages, define it before the pipeline block.

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  2. you can define it as a global environment variable outside of any stage block

    try this

        environment {
            AZURE_RG = 'myrg'
            VNET_NAME = 'myvnet'
            STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RG = 'str_rg'
            STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME = 'str_name'
            SUBNET_ID = ''  // Initialize SUBNET_ID variable
        stages {
            stage('Get Subnet ID') {
                steps {
                    script {
                        // Construct Azure CLI command dynamically with Groovy string interpolation
                        def azCliCommand = "az network vnet subnet show -g ${AZURE_RG} -n default --vnet-name ${VNET_NAME} --query id --output tsv"
                        // Get subnet ID
                        SUBNET_ID = bat(script: azCliCommand, returnStdout: true).trim()
            stage('Whitelist Subnet') {
                steps {
                    script {
                        // Add subnet to storage account network rules
                        bat "az storage account network-rule add -g ${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RG} --account-name ${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME} --subnet ${SUBNET_ID} --bypass AzureServices"
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