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i have a Question about a Query in KQL.
I would like to use a Time at the KQL Query who only shows me the Results between 08:00 and 17:00 Time.

How can i build these at the KQL Query?
Im only find the DateTime Variable but i need only the Time?

Thanks a lot.




  1. Timestamp%1d will give us only the time part of the day (timespan).

    // Data sample generation. Not part of the solution.
    let t = materialize (range i from 1 to 20 step 1 | extend Timestamp = ago(7d * rand()));
    // Solution starts here.
    | where Timestamp%1d between (8h .. 17h)
    | order by Timestamp%1d asc // Just for display
    i Timestamp
    13 2022-10-19T08:26:45.2144968Z
    1 2022-10-23T12:00:21.8528635Z
    16 2022-10-19T12:50:27.4405648Z
    19 2022-10-19T13:00:48.9000836Z
    2 2022-10-24T13:19:30.956558Z
    8 2022-10-25T13:51:25.726857Z
    10 2022-10-22T14:12:09.8304847Z
    7 2022-10-25T14:51:14.3011525Z
    14 2022-10-20T15:21:04.5173436Z
    11 2022-10-20T16:04:06.412613Z
    12 2022-10-19T16:48:54.0581289Z


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  2. The below is the example to show logs between specific time:

    let start=datetime("10/26/2022 1:04:27.627 AM");
    let end=datetime("10/26/2022 1:22:53.745 AM");
    | where timestamp > start and timestamp < end 

    enter image description here

    If you only want timestamp then:

    let start=datetime("10/26/2022 1:04:27.627 AM");
    let end=datetime("10/26/2022 1:22:53.745 AM");
    | where  timestamp > start and timestamp < end 
    | project timestamp

    enter image description here

    You can give your date and time in end and start in query.

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