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I have created a script which exports the firewall rules from Azure and it works Perfectly , However I need to create .csv with headers even if there is no data. Currently it is creating a blank file.

``function create($path) {
    $exists = Test-Path -path $path
    Write-Host "tried the following path: $path, it" $(If ($exists) {"Exists"} Else {"Does not Exist!"}) 
    if (!($exists)) { New-Item $path -itemType Directory }

# reading file contents 
$subs_file =  "C:scriptSubscriptions.xlsx"
$azSubs = Import-Excel $subs_file
$output_folder = "C:audit-automation"
# creating folder for outputing data 
# New-Item $output_folder -itemType Directory

# iterating over subscriptions 
ForEach ( $sub in $azSubs ) {
    # sub
    $azsub = $sub.Subscription
    # app
    $app = $sub.Application
    # creating folder to save data for apps  
    # New-Item $output_folder$app -itemType Directory
    # setting config for azure 
    Set-AzContext -SubscriptionName $azsub
    $azNsgs = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup
    # iterating over retrieved NSGs 
    $Output = ForEach ( $azNsg in $azNsgs ) {
        #Export custom rules
        Get-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -NetworkSecurityGroup $azNsg | `
            Select-Object @{label = 'NSG Name'; expression = { $azNsg.Name } }, `
        @{label = 'NSG Location'; expression = { $azNsg.Location } }, `
        @{label = 'Rule Name'; expression = { $_.Name } }, `
        @{label = 'Source'; expression = { $_.SourceAddressPrefix } }, `
        @{label = 'Source Application Security Group'; expression = { $'/')[-1] } },
        @{label = 'Source Port Range'; expression = { $_.SourcePortRange } }, Access, Priority, Direction, `
        @{label = 'Destination'; expression = { $_.DestinationAddressPrefix } }, `
        @{label = 'Destination Application Security Group'; expression = { $'/')[-1] } }, `
        @{label = 'Destination Port Range'; expression = { $_.DestinationPortRange } }, `
        @{label = 'Resource Group Name'; expression = { $azNsg.ResourceGroupName } },
        @{label = 'Subscription Name'; expression = { $azSub } } 
    # creating folder to save 
    # New-Item $output_folder$appfirewall_rules -itemType Directory
    $Output | Export-Csv -Path $output_folder$app$app-firewall_rules_data$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).csv -Append`



  1. Test whether the $Output variable contains anything – if not, create a "dummy object" with the same shape as the actual output objects and use that in conjunction with ConvertTo-Csv to generate the header:

    # ...
    $outputPath = "$output_folder$app$app-firewall_rules_data$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).csv"
    if($Output) {
        $Output | Export-Csv -Path $outputPath -Append -NoTypeInformation
    elseif (-not(Test-Path $outputPath -PathType Leaf)) {
        # no output data, and the file doesn't already exist - create headers only
        $dummyObject = [pscustomobject]@{
            'NSG Name' = ''
            'NSG Location' = ''
            'Rule Name' = ''
            'Source' = ''
            'Source Application Security Group' = ''
            'Source Port Range' = ''
            'Destination' = ''
            'Destination Application Security Group' = ''
            'Destination Port Range' = ''
            'Resource Group Name' = ''
            'Subscription Name' = ''
        # generate dummy CSV document, then discard the row representing the dummy object
        $header = $dummyObject |ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation |Select -SkipLast 1
        $header |Set-Content $outputPath
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  2. The problem you’ve got is that if there’s no objects in $output then Export-Csv isn’t able to determine what headers to use. In that case, you’re going to need to generate the header text file yourself…

    This is slightly more convoluted than @MathiasRJessen’s answer, but it has the advantage that you only need to declare your headers once in your code, rather than keep then in sync in the Select-Object parameters and the $dummyObject path…

    First, we’ll move the property definitions out of Select-Object into a variable…

    $csvColumns = @(
        @{label = 'NSG Name'; expression = { $azNsg.Name } },
        @{label = 'NSG Location'; expression = { $azNsg.Location } },
        @{label = 'Rule Name'; expression = { $_.Name } },
        @{label = 'Source'; expression = { $_.SourceAddressPrefix } },
        @{label = 'Source Application Security Group'; expression = { $'/')[-1] } },
        @{label = 'Source Port Range'; expression = { $_.SourcePortRange } },
        @{label = 'Destination'; expression = { $_.DestinationAddressPrefix } },
        @{label = 'Destination Application Security Group'; expression = { $'/')[-1] } },
        @{label = 'Destination Port Range'; expression = { $_.DestinationPortRange } },
        @{label = 'Resource Group Name'; expression = { $azNsg.ResourceGroupName } },
        @{label = 'Subscription Name'; expression = { $azSub } }

    and your Select-Object then becomes this:

    Get-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -NetworkSecurityGroup $azNsg `
        | Select-Object $csvColumns

    Once we’ve got that working we can re-use the $csvColumns variable to generate the headers with this function:

    function Get-CsvHeaderText
        param( $CsvColumns )
        # create a temporary hashtable to hold the header names in the keys
        $csvHeaders = [ordered] @{};
        # add the header names for each csv column - note that each item
        # can be a string (e.g. "Access") or a hashtable (e.g. "@{label = 'NSGLocation'; expression = { $azNsg.Location } }")
        foreach( $csvColumn in $CsvColumns )
            if( $csvColumn -is [string] )
                $csvHeaders.Add($csvColumn, [string]::Empty);
                $csvHeaders.Add($csvColumn.Label, [string]::Empty);
        # now that we've got a fake object with the correct property names
        # we can convert it to csv and extract the header row(s). note - 
        # use "-SkipLast 1" to ignore the empty data row instead of
        # "-First 1" in case a header name has line breaks in it
        # (unlikely, but technically possible)
        $csvHeaderText = $headers | ConvertTo-csv | select-object -SkipLast 1;
        return $csvHeaderText;

    Example usage:

    $headerText = Get-CsvHeaderText -CsvColumns $csvColumns;

    which you can then write to your file if $output is $null:

    if( $null -eq $Output ) {
        $headerText = Get-CsvHeaderText -CsvColumns $csvColumns;
        $headerText | Set-Content "myfile.csv";
        $Output | Export-Csv -Path "myfile.csv" -Append -NoTypeInformation;
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