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In Azure Portal I have several "Function apps" and "App Services" that have Environment variables. Environment variables can have "App Settings" and "Connections strings".

I like to list "Environment Variables", for all services, by Name and Value.
My goal is to check for any wrong settings so I like all "Environment Variables" in a long list.

How can I do this from Azure Cloud Shell?



  1. You can use the following Azure CLI commands to list configuration settings of App Services and Function Apps.

    App Services:

    Function Apps:

    If you need to filter variables by type (App Settings, Azure SQL Database connection strings, custom connection strings, etc) take a look into the variable prefixes.

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  2. To list all Environment variables from all App Services and Function Apps, you can make use of below sample PowerShell script:

    $rGs = Get-AzResourceGroup
    $allSettings = @()
    foreach ($rg in $rGs) {
        $webApps = Get-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName
        foreach ($webApp in $webApps) {
            $appSettings = (Get-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName -Name $webApp.Name).SiteConfig.AppSettings
            foreach ($setting in $appSettings) {
                $allSettings += [pscustomobject]@{
                    ServiceName     = $webApp.Name
                    ResourceGroup   = $rg.ResourceGroupName
                    SettingName     = $setting.Name
                    SettingValue    = $setting.Value
                    SettingType     = "AppSetting"
            $connectionStrings = (Get-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName -Name $webApp.Name).SiteConfig.ConnectionStrings
            foreach ($conn in $connectionStrings) {
                $allSettings += [pscustomobject]@{
                    ServiceName     = $webApp.Name
                    ResourceGroup   = $rg.ResourceGroupName
                    SettingName     = $conn.Name
                    SettingValue    = $conn.ConnectionString
                    SettingType     = "ConnectionString"
    $allSettings | Export-Csv -Path "$HOME/AllEnvironmentVariables.csv" -NoTypeInformation #exported to csv file
    $allSettings # print values to terminal


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    enter image description here

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