I’m using az vm list-skus -l australiasoutheast | convertfrom-json to populate a variable (lets call it $skus) so I can use it in a PS script. When $skus is populated, it’s contents look like:
apiVersions :
capabilities : {@{name=MaxResourceVolumeMB; value=256000}, @{name=OSVhdSizeMB; value=1047552}, @{name=vCPUs; value=8}, @{name=MemoryPreservingMaintenanceSupported; value=False}…}
capacity :
costs :
family : standardMSFamily
kind :
locationInfo : {@{location=australiasoutheast; zoneDetails=System.Object[]; zones=System.Object[]}}
locations : {australiasoutheast}
name : Standard_M8-4ms
resourceType : virtualMachines
restrictions : {}
size : M8-4ms
tier : Standard
The capabilities and locatioinfo objects in the variable look like hashtables.
I can do $skus | select name, capabilities which outputs:
name capabilities
---- ------------
Aligned {@{name=MaximumPlatformFaultDomainCount; value=2}}
Classic {@{name=MaximumPlatformFaultDomainCount; value=3}}
Premium_LRS {@{name=MaxSizeGiB; value=4}, @{name=MinSizeGiB; value=0}, @{name=MaxIOps; value=120}, @{name=MinIOps; value=120}…}
Premium_LRS {@{name=MaxSizeGiB; value=128}, @{name=MinSizeGiB; value=64}, @{name=MaxIOps; value=500}, @{name=MinIOps; value=500}…}
Premium_LRS {@{name=MaxSizeGiB; value=256}, @{name=MinSizeGiB; value=128}, @{name=MaxIOps; value=1100}, @{name=MinIOps; value=1100}…}
How can I get to and extract the data I need from those hashtables?
I tried the usual select-object to try and get to it, but I can only get as far as the capabilities object, but I cannot reference anything inside that.
To retrieve all capabilities from a hash table, use
to print the specific value from the capabilities parameter.Here is the PowerShell script to reference the value from capabilities parameter.
To display all values within capabilities, you can utilize the following cmdlet to print only name and values.
Without knowing the exact structure and data of the object-graph, it is difficult to give you a specific answer (see also how to ask and providing a mvce) but based on this example (note that
is actually the top node) and this Object-Graph tools set, I can give you a general view and answer:What is the path (reference) to each (leaf) node in this graph-object?
Each path that is listed above might be used the get to the specific node in the object-graph, e.g.:
As you probably want to get programmatically (dynamically) to this property you might use the
command to get to the value of this property:But as mentioned in this helpful related answer from mklement0:
So, you might also consider to use the object-graph tools to safely get to the specific node:
This will give you a node (
class) in return:Or using a more advanced Extended Dot-Notation (Xdn) path:
To get to the
contained by the node:The node value refers to the same value as you original object-graph. Meaning, you might simply change the value like this:
To confirm this, check your original