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I’ve got a deployment to do in azure, using terraform. I’m trying to couple some file shares to an Azure Container Instance, but it doesn’t seem to work well.

I’m using following pieces of code:

resource "azurerm_storage_account" "file_share_storage_account" {
    name                     = "st${var.lztri}${substr(, 0, 3)}${var.env}${var.loc}${var.stage}01"
    resource_group_name      =
    location                 = var.location

    account_replication_type = var.st_file_share.account_replication_type
    account_kind             = var.st_file_share.account_kind
    access_tier              = var.st_file_share.access_tier

    enable_https_traffic_only       = var.st_file_share.enable_https_traffic_only
    min_tls_version                  = var.st_file_share.min_tls_version

    is_hns_enabled                  = var.st_file_share.is_hns_enabled  // must be true for ADLS Gen2
    account_tier                    = var.st_file_share.account_tier    // must be Standard for HNS enabled

  public_network_access_enabled   = true
  default_to_oauth_authentication = true

  dynamic "network_rules" {
    for_each = local.st_net_rules
    content {
      default_action             = network_rules.value.default_action
      bypass                     = network_rules.value.bypass
      ip_rules                   = network_rules.value.ip_rules
      virtual_network_subnet_ids = network_rules.value.virtual_network_subnet_ids

  tags = merge(local.mandatory_tags, {  })
  lifecycle { ignore_changes = [tags] }

/*   resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "st_role_assignment" {
  for_each           = var.st_file_share
  scope              = azurerm_storage_account.file_share_storage_account[each.key].id
  role_definition_name = "Storage Blob Data Contributor"
  principal_id       =  data.azurerm_client_config.client_config.object_id
}  */

resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "st_role_assignment" {
  for_each           = toset(["Storage Blob Data Contributor"])
  scope              =
  role_definition_name = each.key
  principal_id       =  data.azurerm_client_config.client_config.object_id

resource "azurerm_storage_share" "file_share" {
  for_each             = { for each in var.shares_config : each.share_name => each }
  name                 = each.value.share_name
  quota                = each.value.quota_gb
  storage_account_name =
resource "azurerm_container_group" "containergroup" {
  name                = "ci-${var.lztri}-sonarqube-${var.env}-${var.loc}${var.stage != "" ? "-" : ""}${var.stage}-01"
  location            = var.location
  resource_group_name =
  ip_address_type     = var.ci_sonarqube_ip_address_type
  os_type             = var.ci_sonarqube_os_type
  container {
    name   = var.ci_sonarqube_container_name
    image  = var.ci_sonarqube_image_name
    cpu    = var.ci_sonarqube_cpu_core_number
    memory = var.ci_sonarqube_memory_size

    ports {
        port     = var.ci_sonarqube_ports
        protocol = var.ci_sonarqube_protocol

    dynamic "volume" {
      for_each = var.shares_config
      content {
        name                 = volume.value.share_name
        mount_path           = "/opt/sonarqube/${volume.value.share_name}"
        share_name           = volume.value.share_name
        storage_account_name =
        storage_account_key  = azurerm_storage_account.file_share_storage_account.primary_access_key

  timeouts {
    create = "2h"
    delete = "15m"

I’m always getting following error:

polling after ContainerGroupsCreateOrUpdate: Code="Failed" Message="The async operation failed." AdditionalInfo=[{"error":{"message":"Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Failed to mount Azure File Volume.;Subscription deployment didn’t reach a successful provisioning state after ’00:30:00′."}

Strange that the error is repeated this amount of times, there’s only 4 shares…



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    In the end, it seemed that the networking part of the storage account was to closed down, the container couldn't connect to it.

  2. I’m trying to couple some file shares to an Azure Container Instance, but it doesn’t seem to work well.

    Here is the updated code to create multiple Azure File shares and mount the same to a Container Instance

    provider "azurerm" {
      features {}
    data "azurerm_client_config" "current" {
    resource "azurerm_storage_account" "storage" {
      name                      = "venkatstoragetest"
      resource_group_name       = var.resource_group_name
      location                  = var.location
      account_kind              = var.account_kind
      account_tier              = var.account_tier
      account_replication_type  = var.account_replication_type
      access_tier               = var.access_tier
      enable_https_traffic_only = true
      min_tls_version           = var.min_tls_version
      blob_properties {
        delete_retention_policy {
          days = var.soft_delete_retention
        dynamic "cors_rule" {
          for_each = var.cors_rule
          content {
            allowed_origins    = cors_rule.value.allowed_origins
            allowed_methods    = cors_rule.value.allowed_methods
            allowed_headers    = cors_rule.value.allowed_headers
            exposed_headers    = cors_rule.value.exposed_headers
            max_age_in_seconds = cors_rule.value.max_age_in_seconds
      dynamic "network_rules" {
        for_each = var.network_rules != null ? ["true"] : []
        content {
          default_action             = "Deny"
          ip_rules                   = var.network_rules.ip_rules
          virtual_network_subnet_ids = var.network_rules.subnet_ids
          bypass                     = var.network_rules.bypass
    resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "st_role_assignment" {
      for_each           = toset(["Storage Blob Data Contributor"])
      scope              =
      role_definition_name = each.key
      principal_id       =  data.azurerm_client_config.current.object_id
    depends_on = [ ]
    resource "azurerm_storage_share" "jms-sftp-share" {
      for_each             = toset(["one", "two", "three"])
      name                 = each.key
      quota                = 5120
      storage_account_name =
      acl {
        id = "${each.key}_this_is_my_id"
        access_policy {
          permissions = "rwl"
      depends_on = [ azurerm_role_assignment.st_role_assignment ]
    resource "azurerm_container_group" "jms-sftp" {
      dns_name_label = "doccji-dts-dev-jms-sftp"
      exposed_port = [
          port     = 22
          protocol = "TCP"
      location            = var.location
      name                = "container-sftp-1"
      os_type             = "Linux"
      resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
      restart_policy      = "Always"
      container {
        commands = []
        cpu      = 1
        image    = "atmoz/sftp:latest"
        memory   = 1.5
        name     = "jms-sftp-1"
        ports {
          port     = 22
          protocol = "TCP"
        dynamic "volume" {
          for_each = [for v in azurerm_storage_share.jms-sftp-share : {
            name =
          content {
            empty_dir            = false
            mount_path           = "/home/${}"
            name                 = "${}-home-folder"
            read_only            = false
            share_name           = azurerm_storage_share.jms-sftp-share["one"].name
            storage_account_key  =
            storage_account_name =
        volume {
          empty_dir            = false
          mount_path           = "/etc/sftp"
          name                 = "sftp-users-conf"
          read_only            = true
          share_name           = azurerm_storage_share.jms-sftp-share["one"].name
          storage_account_key  =
          storage_account_name =
      depends_on = [

    Terraform Apply:

    enter image description here

    After running the above code, three file shares have been created in the Azure Storage account and the same shares are mounted to the container instances.

    enter image description here

    Reference: Terraform Azure Container Instance Dynamic Volume – share_name loop over azurerm_storage_share by Matt Schuchard

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