I am performing deployment of the Azure Immersive Reader service web app locally.
- On clicking the immersive reader button, it is showing me the following error message.
2. after clicking the ok button it is showing error in my console where I found that it is showing me
So I can’t find any solution for it.
So, I am performing the deployment of app using python flask framework. Now, in that I have credential like endpoint and key (I have only access to the endpoint and key) with the use of it I am generating the token which is available for the 10 min and after generating token, with that token and the subdomain available from the endpoint I am launching the immersive reader. This is the whole process I am going through.
What I have:
- app.py
-.env - helper.js
- index.html
Expected Output:
Whenever I click on the immersive reader button it should enable and read the content on the web page
Then above indicates that the Immersive Reader is not launched properly. It could be due to an incorrect token.
Azure Immersive reader service:
app.py: (Given for reference)
please try your content with the official python code sample here
and also make sure you are getting the token this way:
please let us know if the issue persists