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I have table (data)


and I’m trying to see count of two columns:


I’ve done this:

union withsource="SWFLogOSot_CL" *
| summarize AvaibleConn = count() by ColumnName="values_available_connection_d"

This works, but shows count of just one column:

enter image description here

Does please anyone knows, how to add both values_in_use_connections_d and values_available_connection_d?

Thank you

Edit 1:
To add to the information, what I’m trying.
I tried this

union withsource="SWFLogOSot_CL" *
| summarize AvaibleConn = count() by ColumnName="values_available_connection_d", InUseConn = count() by ColumnName="values_in_use_connections_d"

to add another column with new data from the table, but I got a message
Query could not be parsed at ‘=’ on line [3,49] Token: ‘=’ Line: 3 Postion: 49

so unfortunately I still can’t get 2x columns (the number of them) from SWFLogOSot_CL into one table

Edit 2:


let availableData = 
    union withsource="SWFLogOSot_CL" *
    | summarize Conn1 = count() by ConnectionType = "Available", ColumnName = "values_available_connection_d";

let inUseData = 
    union withsource="SWFLogOSot_CL" *
    | summarize Conn2 = count() by ConnectionType = "InUse", ColumnName = "values_in_use_connections_d";

im able to get two variables.

But im not sure how to display them



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thank you very much for your reply, I finally came up with this solution:

    let data = SWFLogOSot_CL
    | summarize values_available = sum(values_available_connection_d), values_in_use = sum(values_in_use_connections_d)
    | project values_available, values_in_use;
    | project label="Values Available", value=values_available
    | union (data | project label="Values in Use", value=values_in_use)
    | extend total = toscalar(data | summarize sum(values_available + values_in_use))
    | extend percent = value * 100 / total

    Thank you very much and sorry for the chaotically written question

  2. do you mean "count of distinct values in 2 columns?"

    using "count" as you’re using it would just return the same number as the number of rows you have.

    if so,

    | summarize 

    Otherwise, it would be more helpful to see a more complete example, like

    • the table has this structure
    • and pretend it has these N rows
    • and i want to get a grid out that has this structure
    • and has these M rows as results

    (also unclear why the tilte has anything to do with jQuery?

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