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There is the article about adding credentials in Azure Data Factory:

Associate the user-assigned managed identity to the data factory instance using Azure portal, SDK, PowerShell, REST API.

I am interested in PowerShell or REST API option, the process need to be automated.

I have found New-AzDataFactoryV2LinkedServiceEncryptedCredential in documentation but it doesn’t like what I am looking for.

Does anyone have an example of PowerShell code or REST API endpoints to add credential to Azure Data Factory?

I am reffering to this credentials:
enter image description here



  1. Please follow below reference it has detail explanation about:

    Creating credentials in azure data factory using Power shell and REST API.


    Azure Data Factory Using PowerShell by Dhilasu reddy

    Managed identity for Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse | Microsoft

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  2. I cannot see anything yet supported for terraform or for the az cli, however there is a REST API.

    you can then use this with the az cli rest call e.g.

    $subscription_id=$(az account show --query "id")
    $mi_id=$(az identity show --name $mi_name --subscription $subscription_id --resource-group $resource_group_name --query "id" -o tsv)
      properties = @{
        "type" = "ManagedIdentity"
        "typeProperties" = @{
          "resourceId" = $mi_id
    $bodyJson = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 100
    $bodyJson = $bodyJson -replace "`"", "`""
    az rest --method put --url $url --body $bodyJson
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