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I build and test NET 6 app in docker which works well – I see test output in console. When I try to publish test results I encounter an error. Full task output:

Starting: Publish test results
============================================================================== Task : Publish Test Results Description : Publish test
results to Azure Pipelines Version : 2.170.1 Author :
Microsoft Corporation Help :
============================================================================== /usr/bin/dotnet –version
3.1.418 Async Command Start: Publish test results Publishing test results to test run ‘22493988’ Test results remaining: 65. Test run
id: 22493988

> ##[warning]Failed to publish test results: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object ‘TestResult.tbl_TestCaseReference’ with unique index

‘ix_TestCaseReference2’. The duplicate key value is (1, 3559, 0, 0, 0,
UnitTest, 0, 0, ). Async Command End: Publish test results Finishing:
Publish test results

Copy test results and publish steps

- pwsh: |
    $id=docker images --filter "label=test=$(Build.BuildId)" -q | Select-Object -First 1
    docker create --name testcontainer $id
    docker cp testcontainer:/testresults ./testresults
    docker rm testcontainer
  displayName: 'Copy test results'

- task: PublishTestResults@2
    testResultsFormat: 'VSTest'
    testResultsFiles: '**/*.trx'
    searchFolder: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/testresults'
  displayName: 'Publish test results' 

Copy tests results without errors:

Starting: Copy test results
============================================================================== Task : PowerShell Description : Run a PowerShell script on
Linux, macOS, or Windows Version : 2.170.1 Author :
Microsoft Corporation Help :
============================================================================== Generating script.
========================== Starting Command Output =========================== /usr/bin/pwsh -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -Command . ‘/vsts/agent/_work/_temp/20d795dd-e081-4216-b9b1-327d257bbcb2.ps1’

Finishing: Copy test results

I took code from tutorial:



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I contacted my colleagues and turns out it's a bug in Azure. I replaced VSTest publisher and format with XUnit publisher and XML format - the XML was successfully uploaded. Another issue was that XML was only for one project in solution, so I ended up dropping that step all together because I don't really need this information anyway (if test failed, so fails build).

    • The xunit test publisher may be an issue here.
    • Try resolving the error by t by changing Xunit to VSTest.
    • And also, you don’t necessarily need a separate Publish Test Results job in the pipeline because built-in tasks like the Visual Studio Test task automatically publish test results to the pipeline.

    Please refer this MSFT doc Publish Test Results task for more information.

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