I am trying get the properties of an Azure Disk Resource. When I run the command in my subscription
$R=Get-AzResource -Name <ResourceName>
It provides a list of properties given here I am specifically interested getting the Properties PSobject. However running the following command:
$R.Properties -eq $null
does returns true. When I look at this resource from Azure Portal (Same user principal as in Powershell command) in Json format I am given a selection of schemas to choose from and lots of properties are provided. Below is a sample:
"properties": {
"osType": "Linux",
"hyperVGeneration": "V2",
"supportsHibernation": true,
"supportedCapabilities": {
"acceleratedNetwork": true,
"architecture": "x64"
"creationData": {
"createOption": "FromImage",
"imageReference": {
"id": "xxx"
"diskSizeGB": 30,
"diskIOPSReadWrite": 500,
"diskMBpsReadWrite": 60,
"encryption": {
"type": "EncryptionAtRestWithPlatformKey"
"networkAccessPolicy": "AllowAll",
"publicNetworkAccess": "Enabled",
"timeCreated": "2023-01-09T13:38:24.500223+00:00",
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"diskState": "Attached",
"diskSizeBytes": 32213303296,
"uniqueId": "xxx"
What is the proper command to get this information using PowerShell?
You should set the ExpandProperties switch
You can the access the properties with
You can get all properties using
command and Alternative way of getting all properties is by using below commands:Output: