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I have a number of instance running under my app service in Azure. I need to get back all the id’s of these instances.

I am currently using

Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceType 
Microsoft.Web/sites/instances -Name $WebAppName -ApiVersion 2016-03-01

But is there an equivalent command using the az cmdlets ?



  1. I’ve tried the exact PowerShell command that you executed in Azure PowerShell. I could be able to get the expected results as shown:

    enter image description here

    I’ve tried to get the desired outcome with AZ cmdlet(Bash) and received the expected results using:

    az webapp list-instances

    To get the instances running info with their respective ID’s on app service in Azure:

    az configure --defaults group=xxxxResourceGroupName
    az configure --defaults web=xxxxwebapp
    az webapp list-instances --name xxxxwebappp --resource-group xxxxResourceGroupName

    enter image description here

    If you want to retrieve "default hostname, EnabledHostName as well as state" of WebApp, Use below command as shown:

    enter image description here

    Refer MSDoc az.webapp cmdlets

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  2. It is always recommended to use latest Az PowerShell module cmdlets instead of AzureRM since AzureRm is going to retire soon.

    In the above answer shared by @jahanvi replace Get-AzureRMResource with Get-AzResource which is a relevant Az module cmdlet.

    Alternatively, you can use the Azure Management RestAPI to get the list of instances running under a particular webapp using Invoke-RequestMethod you call the rest api from powershell as well.

    Here is the sample script:

    $context=Set-AzContext -Subscription "<subscriptionId>"
    $token = Get-AzAccessToken
        'Authorization'='Bearer '+ $token.Token
    $instances=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<WebAppName>/instances?api-version=2022-03-01 -Method GET -Headers $authHeader

    Here is the sample screenshot for reference:

    enter image description here

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