Description: I have an Azure Function on a timer trigger that performs multiple steps. Each step has its own try/catch block to swallow any exceptions and log them. These steps are not dependent on each other, therefore I do not want an exception to stop the entire function.
try { await StepOneAsync(); }
catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Step one failed"); }
try { await StepTwoAsync(); }
catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Step two failed"); }
Problem: If step 1 fails, I do want Azure to consider the function as a failure so we can still receive built-in alerts and see the failure in the invocations. How can I manually flag the function as failed after the steps have ran?
Attempted solution: I have added flags for each step, and if any step failed I throw an exception at the end.
var stepOneSucceeded = false;
await StepOneAsync();
stepOneSucceeded = true;
catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Step one failed"); }
var stepTwoSucceeded = false;
await StepTwoAsync();
stepTwoSucceeded = true;
catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Step two failed"); }
if (!stepOneSucceeded || !stepTwoSucceeded) throw new Exception("Steps failed");
However this is a made-up exception just to trigger the function to fail and appears to be a work around.
Instead of using a boolean flag and throwing a new exception, store the real exception and re-throw it:
Assign your exception to a higher scoped variable within the catch block, like this:
Then you can just throw it.