I’m using Mongodb on azure (not Mongodb Atlas), I installed manually Mongodb on three VMs on Azure, what I’m looking for is, everytime a new record is inserted or updated or delete on Mongodb I want this change to be refletcted on Azure Search, do you have any idea How van I do that ?
There is no built in Azure Search Indexer for Mongo, one option is to migrate your existing Mongo DBs to Azure Cosmos with the Mongo API. See this doc.
Another option is to use the Azure Search push API, for which you need to watch for changes in the Mongo DB, see this and based on those newly added or deleted docs then use the Push API the make changes to the index, see this tutorial using the .NET Azure search sdk https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/tutorial-optimize-indexing-push-api
If you migrate your current MongoDB to Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB as suggested in this thread, Azure Cognitive Search has a Cosmos DB Mongo DB indexer in Public Preview and you can opt to have it enabled according to that documentation and give it a try.