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I’m trying to get information about network usages and quota using Azure SDK for Golang and receive the same result as executing the following CLI command:

% az network list-usages  --location centralus --out table
Name                                                               CurrentValue    Limit
-----------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ----------
Virtual Networks                                                   3               1000

My implementation (I also tried to use NewListPager instead of Get method, but the result is similar):

import "" 
// (...)

    subscriptionID := "<MY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID>"
    factory, err := armquota.NewClientFactory(creds, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    quotaSvc, err := factory.NewClient()
    usagesSvc, err := factory.NewUsagesClient()

    quotaResult, err := quotaSvc.Get(ctx, "VirtualNetworks", "subscriptions/"+subscriptionID+"/providers/Microsoft.Network/locations/centralus", nil)
    if err == nil {
        quotaJson, err := quotaResult.MarshalJSON()
        if err == nil {
            fmt.Println("Quota result=", string(quotaJson), ", name=", *quotaResult.Name)
        } else {
            fmt.Println("Cannot marshal quota json")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Cannot get quota")

    usageResult, err := usagesSvc.Get(ctx, "VirtualNetworks", "subscriptions/"+subscriptionID+"/providers/Microsoft.Network/locations/centralus", nil)
    if err == nil {
        usagesJson, err := usageResult.MarshalJSON()
        if err == nil {
            fmt.Println("Usages result=", string(usagesJson), ", name=", *usageResult.Name)
        } else {
            fmt.Println("Cannot marshal usages json")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Cannot get usages")


Quota result:

         "localizedValue":"Virtual Networks",

Usages result:

         "localizedValue":"Virtual Networks",

What’s the correct way to get the usages value 3 exactly like when getting limits via Azure CLI?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thank you very much, @Venkatesan! Your approach has definitely resolved my issue, although it's quite interesting that the Query Service Client isn't functioning correctly in the Golang SDK.

    I conducted some debugging and examined how other SDKs handle this. I was surprised to see where the quota value is located in the response when fetched using the SDK for Python.

    This indicates that there might be a bug related to the Quota Service somewhere. I submitted a pull request with a quick fix proposal, which was subsequently replaced by a bug report in the azure-rest-api-specs. So I'm hopeful that my initial approach (utilizing armquota.Client) will also function properly in the near future.

  2. How to get network usages/quotas using Azure SDK for Golang?

    In my environment, Using the Azure CLI command I can get the usage result like the below:

    enter image description here

    To get the current value you need to use package using Go lang.


    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        cred, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("failed to obtain a credential: %v", err)
        ctx := context.Background()
        clientFactory, err := armnetwork.NewClientFactory("your-subscription-id", cred, nil)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %v", err)
        pager := clientFactory.NewUsagesClient().NewListPager("centralus", nil)
        for pager.More() {
            page, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
            if err != nil {
                log.Fatalf("failed to advance page: %v", err)
                        for _, usage := range page.UsagesListResult.Value {
                if usage.Name.LocalizedValue != nil && *usage.Name.LocalizedValue == "Virtual Networks" {
                    log.Printf("Usage Name: %s, Current Value: %d, Limit: %d, Unit: %s",
                        *usage.Name.LocalizedValue, *usage.CurrentValue, *usage.Limit, *usage.Unit)


    2023/10/11 13:07:54 Usage Name: Virtual Networks, Current Value: 14, Limit: 1000, Unit: Count

    enter image description here


    Usages – List – REST API (Azure Virtual Networks) | Microsoft Learn

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