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I have got 2 components in Azure Machine Learning.
I have got 2 dataframes in the first component (called prep) which I want to pass into the next component (called middle) for further processing.

In the prep code, I have tried to save the dataframe into the component’s output section, into a datastore and into the args location passed in as input parameters.
As shown below:

print((Path(args.Y_df) / "Y_df.csv"))

Out of these only the first method works.
Now I want to pass this into the next component. So in the pipeline definition code, I have mentioned this:

def data_pipeline(
    compute_train_node: str,

    prep_node = prep()
    transform_node = middle(Y_df=prep_node.outputs.Y_df,

I am trying to run a basic code in the middle component but it just does not get started. It fails with the following error:

enter image description here

Below are YAMLS for prep and middle:

name: middle4 display_name: middle4

inputs:   Y_df:
    type: uri_file   S_df:
    type: uri_file

code: ./middle

environment: azureml:environment_name:4

command: >-   python   --Y_df ${{inputs.Y_df}}   
--S_df ${{inputs.S_df}}


name: preprocessing24
display_name: preprocessing24

    type: uri_file

    type: uri_file

code: ./preprocessing

environment: azureml:environment_name:4

command: >-
  --Y_df ${{outputs.Y_df}} 
  --S_df ${{outputs.S_df}}

What am I doing wrong?
How do I pass file from one component to the other?

Edit after trying out the method in the answer:

As of now, args.Y_df points to some random (probably default) file path instead of the one I have given it as part of the Output() function as mentioned in the answer.
It then gives an error saying

OSError: Cannot save file into a non-existent directory:

Below is the code I have written for getting the path into the prep code. This path is used to save the dataframes as csv.

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("prep")
parser.add_argument("--Y_df", type=str, help="Path of prepped data")
parser.add_argument("--S_df", type=str, help="Path of prepped data")
parser.add_argument("--clinical_actuals_path", type=str, help="Path of prepped data")
args = parser.parse_args()



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Answering, based on all the information provided by JayashankarGS above. His method is what solved almost the entire issue and I just added one extra parameter to the code that he has provided.

    from  import  MLClient, Input, Output
    def data_pipeline(
    compute_train_node: str,
    prep_node = prep()
    prep_node.outputs.Y_df= Output(type="uri_folder", mode = 'rw_mount', path="azureml://datastores/<datastore_name>/paths/csvs/Y_df/")
    prep_node.outputs.S_df= Output(type="uri_folder", mode = 'rw_mount', path="azureml://datastores/<datastore_name>/paths/csvs/S_df/")
    transform_node = middle(Y_df=prep_node.outputs.Y_df,

    This is the same code that JayashankarGS has posted, I just added another parameter in the Output() function

    mode = 'rw_mount'

    This solved all the issues.

  2. You have to give datastore path to the output of prep_node like below.

    from  import  MLClient, Input, Output
    def data_pipeline(
        compute_train_node: str,
        prep_node = prep()
        prep_node.outputs.Y_df= Output(type="uri_folder", path="azureml://datastores/<datastore_name>/paths/csvs/Y_df/")
        prep_node.outputs.S_df= Output(type="uri_folder", path="azureml://datastores/<datastore_name>/paths/csvs/S_df/")
        transform_node = middle(Y_df=prep_node.outputs.Y_df,

    Here, i am giving Output object with datastore path to Y_df andS_df.

    Next, save csv files in prep component like below.

    df1.to_csv(Path(args.Y_df) / "Y_df.csv")
    df2.to_csv(Path(args.S_df) / "S_df.csv")

    If you want to save 2 files in single folder giving single output to prep component and access them with that folder in next component.

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