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I’ve had created 2 self hosted windows agents to run a set of specific pipelines.

Only problem is when at the end of every stage of every pipeline I run on these agents the Post-job step can take 10,15 sometimes even 20 minutes to complete. When it does it reports that it took less than 1 second.

Anybody got any ideas what the issue is, or even where to start looking for an answer.

I’ve tried various different pipelines, all hit the same issue when run on these agents

Log snippet



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Turned out the internal agents hadn't been set up with the incorrect proxy settings for our corporate network. Got these reapplied and everything is now working as expected.

    Thanks for all the suggestions - got me to the right answer in the end

  2. As per the timeout and retries info on agent log, the agent has network connection issue to

    It could be caused by the url is not added to firewall whitelist, or TLS 1.2 is not enabled on your agent.

    You can try to ping on agent machine to check if it’s reached.

    To resolve the issue, please follow the doc Allowed Domain URLs, add the urls to the firewall whitelist.

    enter image description here

    If the issue persists, please also check for TLS 1.2, make sure it’s enabled. Please find the detail steps from similar ticket.

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