I need to get a PATCH Users request with the added group in the "groups" attribute (Json) if a User in Entra is added to a group (by editing the Group and adding the user).
First of all, is it even possible to get a PATCH Users request when a User in Entra/Azure AD is added to a Group? I hope so!
In https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7643#section-4.1 it seems there is a "groups" attribute available for the Users,
but I can not select it in Entra when editing attribute mappings. There is no "groups" attribute available in my "Source attribute" drop down list.
I have the P1 license.
What do I have to do? I’m frustrated… Thank you in advance!
In the same section of RFC 7643 that you linked, in the description of the User resource’s "Groups" attribute, the following explains why Entra provisioning does not allow attempting to update the "Groups" attribute on the User resource.
As mentioned in this Blog , as this attribute is "readOnly," any changes to group membership must be made through the "Group" Resource.
Therefore, to manage group memberships, you might need to use separate API calls or configurations, since the "groups" mapping may not be available in your current setup.