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I’ve an inventory that looks like this:

         ansible_port: 22
         ansible_port: 22

I’m trying to reboot the machine when I’m done with the setup. The built in reboot command throws an error:

Reboot command failed. Error was: ‘Failed to set wall message, ignoring: Interactive authentication required.rnFailed to call ScheduleShutdown in logind, no action will be taken: Interactive authentication required., Shared connection to closed

… so I’m attempting to use the shell command which does work if I launch it locally:

az vm restart --resource-group "My-RG-Name" --name <my VM name here>

Of course, this command needs to execute on the machine that is executing the playbook, not the remote. Let’s say my playbook looks like this attempt:

# This part run on N remote hosts
- name: Setup Middleware
  hosts: virtualmachines
    - name: Edit the config file to tell the software its own name
         path: /home/some/file.txt
         regexp: '^MyOwnName='
         line: MyOwnName="{{ inventory_hostname }}"  # in this portion of the playbook {{inventory_hostname}} resolves to 'Name-Of-My-VM-Here'

# This part run locally
- name: Restart Azure VM locally using Azure CLI
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Restart Azure VM
      command: az vm restart --resource-group "My-RG-Name" --name ... # this needs to be 'Name-Of-My-VM-here' but I don't know how to get it - in this portion of the playbook {{inventory_hostname}} resolves to 'localhost'

I’m stuck on the part where I need to tell az the name(s) of the machine(s) to reboot.
In the "remote part" of the playbook this can easily come from the inventory file and I would ordinarily access it with {{ inventory_hostname }} in that "remote part" of the playbook..

But how can I run a command in a "host: local" section, that uses whatever {{ inventory_hostname }} value was active in the remote part of the playbook?

Alternatively if there is a way to get the builtin reboot command to work, that would seem to be the simplest option..



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I was convinced that I'd tried adding become: true to my original attempt to reboot the machine using the built-in reboot: command, but perhaps not. Using the following in the playbook worked to reboot the machine:

        - name: Reboot (re-prompt for the SSH key passphrase means server is done rebooting)
          become: true

  2. There are many ways to do this. Like mentioned in the comments. This can also be done this way.

    Remember to add **become: true**

    - name: Reboot the server
      become: true shutdown -r now
    - name: Reboot with Command
      become: true
      command: shutdown -r now
    - name: Reboot with BuiltIn

    —> from Ansible Docs

    - name: Unconditionally reboot the machine with all defaults
    - name: Reboot a slow machine that might have lots of updates to apply
        reboot_timeout: 3600
    - name: Reboot a machine with shutdown command in unusual place
         - '/lib/molly-guard'
    - name: Reboot machine using a custom reboot command
        reboot_command: launchctl reboot userspace
        boot_time_command: uptime | cut -d ' ' -f 5
    - name: Reboot machine and send a message
        msg: "Rebooting machine in 5 seconds"
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