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I am looking to make an Azure DevOps Pipeline to move resources at the resource group level, to another subscription with an empty resource group. However, I’m running into an issue with Move-AzResource where it can’t move all resources since some resources like storage accounts and VMs have a dependency on other resources. I know that the easy way to this is to just use the Azure Portal, but I was wondering if there was a way to programmable move resources instead. Any advice would help!

PowerShell Script:

# Connect to your Azure account

# Define resource group names
$sourceRG = "move-this"
$targetRG = "move-to-this"

# Specify the target subscription ID
$destinationSubscription = "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" # Replace with your actual target subscription ID

# Get resources from the source resource group
$resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $sourceRG

# Move each resource to the target resource group
foreach ($resource in $resources) {
    Move-AzResource -DestinationResourceGroupName $targetRG -DestinationSubscriptionId $destinationSubscription -ResourceId $resource.ResourceId -Force


Line |
   9 |      Move-AzResource -DestinationResourceGroupName $targetRG -Destinat …
     |      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     | ResourceMoveValidationFailed : The resource batch move request has '1' validation errors. Diagnostic information: timestamp '20240511T202422Z', tracking   
     | Id '791c0f0a-aa19-4929-86b0-fab99adb6ec9', request correlation Id '4502f145-7358-4076-b6ac-33987628efcf'. CorrelationId:
     | 6693eb66-f052-48da-bbb1-ab6676610a26

Tried to use Move-AzResource to move all of the resources in a resource group to a different resource group in another subscription. However, I’m getting validation errors due to the nature of the resources in that resource group.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I found that just moving each individual resource rather than the entire resource group was the answer. Using this script, I can list the resources I want to move in a parameter and move each resource individually through a for loop.


    $locationId                 = $env:locationID
    $destinationId              = $env:destinationID
    $destinationRg              = $env:destinationRG
    $resourceList               = $env:resourceList -replace 's', '' # Remove any whitespace
    Write-Host "locationId: $locationId"
    Write-Host "destinationId: $destinationId"
    # Define an array of server names
    $resources                  = $resourceList -split ','
    # Specify the target resource group and destination subscription
    $locationSubscription       = $locationId
    $destinationSubscription    = $destinationId
    $targetRG                   = $destinationRg
    Set-AzContext -Subscription $locationSubscription
    # Loop through each server name and move the resource
    foreach ($resource in $resources) {
        $Resource               = Get-AzResource -ResourceName $resource
        if ($Resource -ne $null) {
            # Attempt to move the resource
            try {
                Move-AzResource -DestinationResourceGroupName $targetRG -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId -DestinationSubscriptionId $destinationSubscription -Force
                Write-Host "Moved $($Resource.Name) to $targetRG in subscription $destinationSubscription" -ForegroundColor Green
            } catch {
                # Handle the error
                Write-Host "Error moving $resource $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
        } else {
            Write-Host "Resource $resource not found in $locationSubscription!" -ForegroundColor Red


    - main
    - name: locationID
      type: string
      displayName: 'Where is the resource located?'
      default: '<origin-subscription-id>'
    - name: destinationID
      type: string
      displayName: 'Where is the resource going?'
      default: '<destination-subscription-id>'
    - name: destinationRG
      type: string
      displayName: 'Where are we putting the resource?'
      default: '<destination-resource-group>'
    - name: resourcesToMove
      type: string
      displayName: "What resources are we moving?"
      default: '(Separate the resources with a comma! Ex: resource1, resource2, resource3)'
    - task: AzurePowerShell@5
        displayName: 'Move Resources'
        azureSubscription: '<service-principal-goes-here>'
        ScriptType: 'FilePath'
        ScriptPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/script/move.ps1'
        azurePowerShellVersion: 'LatestVersion'
        locationID: ${{parameters.locationID}}
        destinationID: ${{parameters.destinationID}}
        destinationRG: ${{parameters.destinationRG}}
        resourceList: ${{parameters.resourcesToMove}}

    This script will do the job.

  2. I tested to use the same script as yours to move a simple Microsoft.Storage (without any dependent resources) across resource groups in different subscriptions and it succeeded. So what seemed to block you at the moment was how to know and move the dependent resources.

    According to the document,

    For a move across subscriptions, the resource and its dependent resources must be located in the same resource group and they must be moved together. For example, a VM with managed disks would require the VM and the managed disks to be moved together, along with other dependent resources.

    If you’re moving a resource to a new subscription, check to see whether the resource has any dependent resources, and whether they’re located in the same resource group. If the resources aren’t in the same resource group, check to see whether the resources can be combined into the same resource group. If so, bring all these resources into the same resource group by using a move operation across resource groups.

    For more information, see Scenario for move across subscriptions

    By the way, you may also test with the script/command to validate move scenario via Azure PowerShell to see why the validation didn’t pass.

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