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I am following the instructions at

When running

    az deployment group create 
--resource-group IoTEdgeResources 
--template-uri "" 
--parameters dnsLabelPrefix=<my vm label> 
--parameters adminUsername='azureUser' 
--parameters deviceConnectionString=$(az iot hub device-identity connection-string show --device-id myEdgeDevice --hub-name <my hub name> -o tsv) 
--parameters authenticationType='password' 
--parameters adminPasswordOrKey=<my password>

I get the following here

{"code": "SkuNotAvailable", "message": "The requested VM size for resource 'Following SKUs have failed for Capacity Restrictions: Standard_DS1_v2' is currently not available in location 'westus2'. Please try another size or deploy to a different location or different zone. See for details."}

I see that I can add a vmSize parameter to my command above, but I don’t know which one I should choose.

Which combination of VM size and location should I use to be able to continue the tutorial?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I eventually got it working by using "eastus2" as my region and by running the commands in the cloud shell instead of in my terminal.

  2. The tutorial references a Standard_DS1_v2 size, which should be available in the West US 2 region (I just created one in the portal). You can try a different region to see if that works. Or it might be a transient error in Azure.

    Also, there used to be templates that would run Azure IoT Edge on a VM as small as a B1S, so you can try that as well.

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  3. You receive this error when the resource SKU you’ve selected, such as VM size, isn’t available for a location or zone. As Matthijs suggested, documentation which you are referring uses Standard_DS1_v2 VM size. You can use different region and Size and see if that works.

    enter image description here

    Which combination of VM size and location should I use to be able to
    continue the tutorial?

    You can get the list of available SKUs in a particular region by using the below cmdlet.

    az vm list-skus --location westus2 --size Standard_D --all --output table

    Also, See Resolve errors for SKU not available for more details.

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