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I want to detect the package manager on the system and then use that later on in my script. However, I feel this is clunky.

type apt    &> /dev/null && MANAGER=apt    && DISTRO="Debian/Ubuntu"
type yum    &> /dev/null && MANAGER=yum    && DISTRO="RHEL/Fedora/CentOS"
type dnf    &> /dev/null && MANAGER=dnf    && DISTRO="RHEL/Fedora/CentOS"   # $MANAGER=dnf will be default if both dnf and yum are present
type zypper &> /dev/null && MANAGER=zypper && DISTRO="SLES"
type apk    &> /dev/null && MANAGER=apk    && DISTRO="Alpine"

What I would like to do is define some kind of array or key-value pair such that

apt, Debian/Ubuntu
dnf, RedHat/Fedora/CentOS

and then have a function that allocates based on this pseudo-code:

for each item in the key-value pair {
    type {key} &> /dev/null && MANAGER={key} && DISTRO={value}

Can someone show me how that might be constructed in bash?



  1. Just define text. Of space separated columns, with newline separated elements.

    list=$(cat <<EOF
    apt Debian/Ubuntu
    dnf RedHat/Fedora/CentOS
    while IFS=' ' read -r key value; do
       if type "$key"; then...
    done <<<"$list"

    Prefer to use if instead of && for readability. You could use a different separator, to store spaces in elements, preprocess the list if you want to put some comments.

    You could also use multiple arrays:

    keys=(apt dnf)
    managers=(Debian/Ubuntu RedHat/Fedora/CentOS)
    for ((i=0;i<${#keys};++j)); do
        if type "${keys[i]}"; then

    You could also use associative arrays:

    declare -A managers=(
    for key in "${!managers[@]}"; do

    Prefer to use lower case variables in scripts. Check your scripts with shellcheck.

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  2. Defining such an array isn’t going to be significantly less clunky than what you already have.

    declare -A managers
    # etc
    for k in "${!managers[@]}"; do
        if type "$k"; then
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