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Have set up fail2ban service on CentOS 8 by this tutorial:

I have set up settings similiarly according to tutorial above like this:

# Ban IP/hosts for 24 hour ( 24h*3600s = 86400s):
bantime = 86400
# An ip address/host is banned if it has generated "maxretry" during the last "findtime" seconds.
findtime = 1200
maxretry = 3
# "ignoreip" can be a list of IP addresses, CIDR masks or DNS hosts. Fail2ban
# will not ban a host which matches an address in this list. Several addresses
# can be defined using space (and/or comma) separator. For example, add your 
# static IP address that you always use for login such as
#ignoreip = ::1
# Call iptables to ban IP address
banaction = iptables-multiport
# Enable sshd protection
enabled = true

I would like an ip to be baned permanently after it was baned 3 times temporarily. How to do that?



  1. A persistent banning is not advisable – it simply unnecessarily overloads your net-filter subsystem (as well as fail2ban)… It is enough to have a long ban.

    If you use v.0.11, you can use bantime increment feature, your config may looks like in this answer –

    # initial ban time:
    bantime = 1h
    # incremental banning:
    bantime.increment = true
    # default factor (causes increment - 1h -> 1d 2d 4d 8d 16d 32d ...):
    bantime.factor = 24
    # max banning time = 5 week:
    bantime.maxtime = 5w

    But note if this feature is enabled, it would also affect maxretry, so 2nd and following bans from known as bad IPs occur much earlier than after 3 attempts (it’d be halved each time).

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  2. You can use jail [recidive] with bantime = -1 for permanent ban. Example jail.local:

    # Jail for more extended banning of persistent abusers
    # !!! WARNINGS !!!
    # 1. Make sure that your loglevel specified in fail2ban.conf/.local
    #    is not at DEBUG level -- which might then cause fail2ban to fall into
    #    an infinite loop constantly feeding itself with non-informative lines
    # 2. Increase dbpurgeage defined in fail2ban.conf to e.g. 648000 (7.5 days)
    #    to maintain entries for failed logins for sufficient amount of time
    enabled = true
    logpath = /var/log/fail2ban.log
    banaction = %(banaction_allports)s
    bantime = -1        ; permanent
    findtime = 86400    ; 1 day
    maxretry = 6

    General note:
    Use SSH key auth and set "AllowGroups" or "AllowUsers" in sshd_config. Most SSH login attempts will stop after a few tries. I also notice on my servers that it is getting less and less after months or years.

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