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Our Centos 7 AWS Guacamole (version 1.3.0) server was fully working, with postgresql database for the users. One day it decided not to work and I’m perplexed. I didn’t set it up and have no access to the person that did.

When logging in to aws…..:8080/guacamole, it comes up with ERROR. If I rename /etc/guacamole/ to something else, then it gives the log in screen, so there’s some problem with postgres.

screenshot of error message when trying to access guacamole from web browser

Here is

# PostgreSQL properties
postgresql-hostname: localhost
postgresql-port: 5432
postgresql-database: guacamole_db
postgresql-username: guacamole_user
postgresql-password: password
#postgresql-auto-create-accounts: true

#Guac Properties
#skip-if-unavailable: postrgresql

guacamole_user does exist, but is not in table guacamole_entity and I’m wondering if the user is a postgres user and not a guacamole user, but why would that have changed?
I’ve tried unhashing skip-if-unavailable: postgresql but that didn’t change anything.

Also upgraded the postgres java file from postgresql-42.2.23.jar to postgresql-42.3.1.jar
but that did nothing.

/var/log/messages doesn’t have anything to do with the error. I can’t really find a way to debug it.

Totally at a loss, any ideas?

EDIT: It was an SELinux problem. Disabling SELinux solves it, so it’s got nothing to do with Postgres. Thanks for your time.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    It was an SELinux problem. Disabling SELinux solves it, so it's got nothing to do with Postgres. Thanks for your time.

  2. The question lacks of some information. (For example: guacamole version, any other extensions used, error screenshot). If possible, try posting the full version of /etc/guacamole/

    The user specify in postgresql-username is a database user (not a guacamole user) so it won’t show in guacamole_entity.

    In order to debug guacamole application, you will have to configure it to show debug log.

    1. Create the file /etc/guacamole/logback.xml.
    2. Insert the following content:
        <!-- Appender for debugging -->
        <appender name="GUAC-DEBUG" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
                <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>
        <!-- Log at DEBUG level -->
        <!-- For this part, you can change the log level. Log level available: error, warn, info, debug, trace -->
        <!-- by default the level is error -->
        <root level="debug">
            <appender-ref ref="GUAC-DEBUG"/>
    1. Restart guacamole service.

    After setting up, you may start debugging with tomcat logs.
    I have not installed in a CentOS before, but in Debian, the default tomcat log path is /var/lib/tomcat9/logs.

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