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I have the following variable "places" which is a ptr to a dynamic array of string locations:

uint32_t* places;

I would like for my function to return a DUPLICATE pointer of type (uint32_t*)

My current attempt:

uint32_t arrCpy = malloc((numberOfElements) * sizeof(uint32_t));
memcpy(arrCpy, places, sizeof(uint32_t*)*numberOfElements);
return arrCpy;

Please explain what I am doing wrong and how to resolve this issue? I am receiving a segmentation fault using gcc.

Goal is to take a uint32_t
and make a duplicate uint32_t

"Note that the function returns a duplicate
of the array of locations for the key, not a pointer to the original array stored in the hash table. The rationale for this is that
returning a pointer to the original array would be dangerous because it would allow the user to directly modify the original



  1. arrCpy needs to be a (double) pointer. If it’s an array of pointers, you also need to allocate space for num pointers, not values.

    // `places` should have type uint32_t **
    uint32_t **arrCpy = malloc((numberOfElements) * sizeof(uint32_t*));
    memcpy(arrCpy, places, sizeof(uint32_t*)*numberOfElements);
    return arrCpy;
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  2. uint32_t* places; is not an array of pointers, it’s a pointer to uint32_t, a number. Generally, to have an array of something, you should have an pointer pointing to something. So you may want to declare your places like uint32_t** places;, and so is arrCpy.

    uint32_t** dup(uint32_t** places, int numberOfElements)
        uint32_t **arrCpy = malloc((numberOfElements) * sizeof(uint32_t*));
        memcpy(arrCpy, places, sizeof(uint32_t*)*numberOfElements);
        return arrCpy;


    If you want to duplicate an array of uint32_t:

    uint32_t* dup(uint32_t* places, int numberOfElements)
        uint32_t *arrCpy = malloc((numberOfElements) * sizeof(uint32_t));
        memcpy(arrCpy, places, sizeof(uint32_t)*numberOfElements);
        return arrCpy;

    You can see no matter what array you want to duplicate, you create an pointer, allocate its memory then copy it, and then return that pointer.


    an complete code

    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int* dup(int* places, int n)
        int *arrCpy = malloc((n) * sizeof(int));
        memcpy(arrCpy, places, sizeof(int)*n);
        return arrCpy;
    void main()
        int a[3] = {1,2,3};
        int i;
        for(i=0; i<3; i++)
            printf("%u, ", a[i]);
        // print 1,2,3
        int *b = dup(a, 3);
        for(i=0; i<3; i++)
            printf("%u, ", a[i]);
        // print 100,2,3
        for(i=0; i<3; i++)
            printf("%u, ", b[i]);
        //print 1,2,3
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  3. uint32_t* places;

    I would like for my function to return a DUPLICATE (not the same)
    pointer which points to the same array of strings.

    If you wrote exactly what you need, it is just a pointer pointing to the same array. But it is not an array of strings, it is an array of pointers to 32-bits int

    • if you need to pass a pointer to the existing array of pointers, it is just the case of writing
        uint32_t*     to_the_same_places = places;

    places has the address of the start of the array of pointers, so you just need to copy places.

    • if you need to duplicate the array of pointers, but pointing to the same places, you are in the a situation similar at the start of every program: you need to know how many pointers are in places. This is why main() is declared
    int    main(int argc, char** argv);

    argc comes just in time with the number of pointers, so the system can build the array and you can iterate over them.

    if you know the size and need to duplicated everything

    This is the common scenario, as the source of places addresses can go out of scope and invalidate the full block that places points to. Since the new array will point to the same locations you need to go in 2 steps:

    • you need to allocate an area to hold all the pointers. The size is the number of pointers times the size of a pointer in your machine. The pointers are aligned in memory so you can copy the whole block at once using memcpy()

    • you need to create a pointer that points to the new array. No need to use uint32_t**

    You can reverse the steps.

    But you need to know how many pointers places points to, and may be more practical just go the system way and write a pair like int argc, char** argv

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