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I have a spring boot (2.5.3) app running on a centOS VM behind a firewall. I normally build a fat jar, then run it with a config passed via CLI:

  1. mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage
  2. java -jar target/service.jar --spring.config.location=/path/to/
  3. run curl GET commands: curl --key /a/b --cert /x/y "https://server-name:8767/path?arg=..."

It works using port 8767 set in the config, and I chose this port a while back randomly.

Since then, I’ve tried to see if I could make it work with a different port. I opened more ports on the linux public firewall-cmd zone, including 8768 & 9000. Problem is that no matter what I try, the only port I can get the app to run on is 8767. Seems like I’ve somehow hard-wired it to that port!

Normally server.port is set in the config, but even if I pass another port --server.port=xxxx via cli, the app runs, and logs show it is exposed to xxxx; however, curl can consistently only access 8767, and other ports time out. Or if I set server.port=xxxx in the config, same outcome.

What do I need to do to use a different port? (I saw this…would it help me?)

Dependencies (nothing special)
Dependencies (nothing special)



UPDATE: @Vinit – my main class is exactly like yours, except a std println I have to let me know it’s running:


As for my, I cannot paste them as I’m behind a firewall, but they are basically below, and there are more than one of each:

server.port=xxxx  // as described above, i've tried declaring here or cli
# custom auth properties

On another note, I run

sudo netstat -nlp | grep "<port>"

…before I run the app (where is the port I have either in my config or passed CLI), and no results. Then I run the app, repeat the netstat call, and that port is listening sure enough. But same thing: if 8767, all is well; but if 8768, time out.



  1. Spring boot takes into account cli arguments when you pass the arguments to method in the main method. Main class should look like this –

    public class Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
     , args);

    Pass args as argument to run method and it should take cli arguments into account. With this class, if –server.port=8080 is used as cli argument, then spring application should run on 8080 port.

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  2. this is the order of how spring boots evaluates the different approaches of setting the server port are:

    1. embedded server configuration
    2. command-line arguments
    3. property files
    4. main @SpringBootApplication configuration

    so two typical issues if the server.port parameter does not work are overridden behavior in a WebServerFactoryCustomizer or in your main method of the SpringBootApplication

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