I am on working on Windows Server 2019 and trying to run a docker container of CentOS on it. I am running the following:
PS C:Windowssystem32> docker run -dit --name=testing23 --cpu-shares=12 raycentos:1.0
PS C:Windowssystem32> docker exec -it 6a3ffb86c1d9509a9d80f0de54fc6acf5731ca645ee74e6aabe41d7153b3af70 bash
(app-root) bash-4.2# nproc
It still specifies only 2, and not 32. How can we assign more CPUs to the container?
refer to this topic for more details https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/resource_constraints/#cpu
you have to add the values with proper flags
try :
By default, all can be used, or you can limit it per container using the
parameter.That would restrict the container to 3 CPU’s (0, 1, and 2). See the docker run docs for more details.
The chosen way to limit CPU usage of containers is with a fractional limit on CPUs: