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I need your help trying to understand how I could combine some actions to get to the expected results.
So i have the following path, in which I have many files:


Now, the files have the following name:


What I want is to iterate over all the files from within that folder, and replace the _ from its name with :.
The file should look like:


I have written a small one line for, but I am not quite sure how to iterate to the NTH occurence of the symbol _.

for f in ./*statsfile*; do mv "$f" "${f//_/:}"; done

The thing is that it does the following thing:


To: (but it failes doe to NO SUCH FILE or DIRECTORY because it replaces the _ from the path)


How could I do that only the 3rd occurence of the _ symbol gets replaced, so that the _ symbol from the path and the first _ symbol from from the title are left alone?
Expected results:


OS Version: CENTOS 7



  1. How about replacing the second occurence from the end? Like:

    for file in ./*statsfile*; do
      echo mv "$file" "$head:$tail"

    Remove echo to actually move the files.

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  2. Pure bash solution using read with IFS=_ that splits each filename into tokens delimited by _:

    cd /home/application/Upload_Actions/TestFiles/
    for f in *statsfile*; do
       IFS=_ read -r p1 p2 p3 last <<< "$s" &&
       echo mv "$f" "${p1}_${p2}_${p3}:$last"

    PS: Used echo for debugging purpose and you can remove it later after verifying the output.

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