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We are trying to pass multiple hashes together with bunch of scalars as arguments to a subroutine. The problem is in multiple calls of this subroutine, ( and if we print the two hashes after we retrieved them inside the function), only one of them ( the first) is getting proper value. The second one is coming off as null. We tried bunch of things –

1 ) two separate hashes with different syntaxes from Stackoverflow/PerlMonks etc with pass on as reference.

&mySub(%hash0, %hash1, $var0, $var1, $var2);

sub mySub{
   my (%hash0, %hash1, $var0, $var1, $var2) = (@_);


&mySub(%hash0, %hash1, $var0, $var1, $var2);

sub mySub{
   my %hash0 = %{$_[0]};
   my %hash1 = %{$_[1]};
   my $var0  = $[2]; my $var1 = $[3]; my $var3 = $[4];

2 ) Create array of two hashes and pass

my @joined_arr = (%hash0, %hash1);
&mySub (@joined_arr, $var0, $var1, $var2);

sub mySub{
   my (@joined_arr, $var0, $var1, $var2) = (@_);
   my %hash0 = %{joined_arr[0]};
   my %hash1 = %{joined_arr[1]};
   # rest of the variables.

4 ) Create hash of hashes and pass

my %joined_hash;
%joined_hash{"first_one"} = %hash0;
%joined_hash{"second_one"} = %hash1;
&mySub (%joined_hash, $var0, $var1, $var2);

sub mySub{
   my %joined_hash, %hash0, %hash1;
   %joined_hash = %{$_[0]};
   %hash0 = %joined_hash{"first_one"};
   %hash1 = %joined_arr{"second_one"};
   # rest of the variables.
  1. Try them in Perl 5.16 ( default distribution of CentOS 7) and hen in Perl 5.30.

Till this point, this hasn’t been a success. If anybody has an idea and like to share, it will be great help.


Following the suggestion of @zdim and @Polar Bear, I have tried these things ->

Syntax for offloading @_ into scalars inside function ->

my ($ref_to_hash0, $ref_to_hash1, $var0, $var1, $var2) = @_;


$ref_to_hash0 = shift;
$ref_to_hash1 = shift;
$var0 = shift;
$var1 = shift;    
$var2 = shift;

I have also tried these 3 style of hash-reference to hash assignment.

my %local_hash_shallow_copy = %$ref_to_hash0;

my $local_hashref_deep_copy = dclone $ref_to_hash0;

my %local_hash_shallow_copy = %{$ref_to_hash0};

It seems out of 9 iterations of this sub call, I am getting right hash inside the sub 2 times. At other times I simply get a pointer dumped –

$VAR1 = {
   'HASH(0x1e32cc8)' => undef

I am using Dumper to dump the hashes just Outside – right before the sub call, and just Inside – right after I transferred the value from ref to actual hash. This should avoid any silly mistake.

Either I might be doing a very basic mistake here or hit upon an uncanny issue. Am debugging it.




  1. A function call in Perl passes a list of scalars as arguments, what you are correctly doing. The function receives a list of scalars in @_, which are aliases of those arguments.

    So with the call

    mySub(%hash0, %hash1, $var0, $var1, $var2);

    the function gets in @_ five scalars, the first two being the hash-references of interest.

    But now you assign those to a hash!

    sub mySub{
       my (%hash0, %hash1, $var0, $var1, $var2) = (@_);   # WRONG

    So that %hash0 variable in the subroutine gets populated with everything in @_, like

    # MySub variable      # variables from the caller, (their aliases) passed in
    my %hash0         =   (%hash0 => %hash1, $var0 => $var1, $var2 => undef);

    since consecutive scalars are assigned as key-value pairs. The rest of the variables in the list, starting with %hash1, are also introduced as lexical symbols in that subroutine and are undef.

    And you should be getting a warning if the number of arguments is indeed odd. (There is use warnings; line on the top of your program, right?)

    Instead, need to assign elements of @_ to suitable scalars, for example like

    sub mySub{
       my ($ref_to_hash0, $ref_to_hash1, $var0, $var1, $var2) = @_;       

    Now you have two options for how to work with this

    • Work directly with the reference(s), $ref_to_hash0. Like

      foreach my $key (keys %$ref_to_hash0) {
          $ref_to_hash0->{$key} ...

      In short, this is

      • Efficient since you aren’t copying data

      • It may be inefficient since every access needs to dereference

      • It allows you to change data in the caller by writing to $ref_to_hash0

        $ref_to_hash0->{some_key} = 'value';  # changes data IN THE CALLER

        This may be convenient, or dangerous (as it can be done by a mistake)

    • Make a local copy of the caller’s data and work with that. Note that there may be a little catch with that, as you may need a deep copy

      use Storable qw(dclone);  # may be needed
      sub mySub{
          my ($ref_to_hash0, $refhash1, $var0, $var1, $var2) = @_;       
          # If the caller's %hash0 has no references for values just dereference
          # Tricky though -- what when the calling hash changes in the future?
          my %local_hash_shallow_copy = %$ref_to_hash0;
          # If the caller's %hash0 is a complex data structure, need a deep copy
          my $local_hashref_deep_copy = dclone $ref_to_hash0;
          # Changes to local hash/hashref do not affect data in the caller

    There is generally no need for that leading & in front of the name in the question, omitted here, unless you mean to suppress its prototype in the call.

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  2. You can not to pass hash or an array into subroutine, instead you pass hash reference or array reference (%hash or @array).

    In subroutine you should treat received argument as a reference. You can access data directly through reference $hashref->{key} or $arrayref->[index], or create a copy (more expensive on CPU cycles and memory) my %hash = %{$hashref} or my @array = @{$arrayref}.

    Please see demonstration sample code bellow.

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use feature 'say';
    use Data::Dumper;
    my %hash_0 = ( data => [ 'it is snowing', 'this month', 'almost every day'] );
    my %hash_1 = ( data => [ 1, 2, 5, 7, 11 ] );
    my $var0 = 'The summer at it's end';
    my $var1 = 3356;
    my $var2 = 'Adorable child';
    my $agregate = { hash_0 => %hash_0, 
                     hash_1 => %hash_1, 
                     var0   => $var0, 
                     var1   => $var1,
                     var2   => $var2 
    subHashes_1(%hash_0, %hash_1, $var0, $var1, $var2);
    say "n";
    subHashes_2(%hash_0, %hash_1, $var0, $var1, $var2);
    say "n";
    say "n";
    subHashes_4(%hash_0, %hash_1, $var0, $var1, $var2);
    sub subHashes_1 {
        my($href_0, $href_1, $var0, $var1, $var2) = @_;
        say '--- subHashes_1 --------------';
        say 'Hash 0';
        say Dumper($href_0->{data});
        say 'Hash 1';
        say '-' x 45;
        say Dumper($href_1->{data});
        say 'Var0: ' . $var0;
        say 'Var1: ' . $var1;
        say 'Var2: ' . $var2;
    sub subHashes_2 {
        my $href_0 = shift;
        my $href_1 = shift;
        my $var0   = shift;
        my $var1   = shift;
        my $var2   = shift;
        say '--- subHashes_2 --------------';
        say 'Hash 0';
        say Dumper($href_0->{data});
        say 'Hash 1';
        say '-' x 45;
        say Dumper($href_1->{data});
        say 'Var0: ' . $var0;
        say 'Var1: ' . $var1;
        say 'Var2: ' . $var2;
    sub subHashes_3 {
        my $args = shift;
        my $href_0 = $args->{hash_0};
        my $href_1 = $args->{hash_1};
        my $var0   = $args->{var0};
        my $var1   = $args->{var1};
        my $var2   = $args->{var2};
        say '--- subHashes_3 --------------';
        say 'Hash 0';
        say Dumper($href_0->{data});
        say 'Hash 1';
        say '-' x 45;
        say Dumper($href_1->{data});
        say 'Var0: ' . $var0;
        say 'Var1: ' . $var1;
        say 'Var2: ' . $var2;
    sub subHashes_4 {
        my $href_0 = shift;
        my $href_1 = shift;
        my $var0   = shift;
        my $var1   = shift;
        my $var2   = shift;
        say '--- subHashes_4 --------------';
        say 'Hash 0';
        say "t$_ => " . join("nt",@{$href_0->{$_}}) for (keys %$href_0);
        say 'Hash 1';
        say '-' x 45;
        say "t$_ => " . join("nt",@{$href_1->{$_}}) for (keys %$href_1);
        say 'Var0: ' . $var0;
        say 'Var1: ' . $var1;
        say 'Var2: ' . $var2;


    --- subHashes_1 --------------
    Hash 0
    $VAR1 = [
              'it is snowing',
              'this month',
              'almost every day'
    Hash 1
    $VAR1 = [
    Var0: The summer at it's end
    Var1: 3356
    Var2: Adorable child
    --- subHashes_2 --------------
    Hash 0
    $VAR1 = [
              'it is snowing',
              'this month',
              'almost every day'
    Hash 1
    $VAR1 = [
    Var0: The summer at it's end
    Var1: 3356
    Var2: Adorable child
    --- subHashes_3 --------------
    Hash 0
    $VAR1 = [
              'it is snowing',
              'this month',
              'almost every day'
    Hash 1
    $VAR1 = [
    Var0: The summer at it's end
    Var1: 3356
    Var2: Adorable child
    --- subHashes_4 --------------
    Hash 0
            data => it is snowing
            this month
            almost every day
    Hash 1
            data => 1
    Var0: The summer at it's end
    Var1: 3356
    Var2: Adorable child
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