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I am trying to run the following command of sed :

echo "fOO:paSS,tesT2:fail,TESt:pasS,fdfdhfd:pass,test5:anyresult test,test6:pass asfas " | sed  's/:.*/L&/;s/w+/u&/g;s/:/ # /g;y/,/n/' | sed 's/w+/&n/2;P;d'

The output which I am getting is :

FOO # Pass
TesT2 # Fail
Test # Pass
Fdfdhfd # Pass
Test5 # Anyresult
Test6 # Pass

Desired Output :

fOO # Pass
tesT2 # Fail
TESt # Pass
fdfdhfd # Pass
test5 # anyresult
test6 # Pass

What I want is :

  1. "Pass" & "fail" should always have "P" & "F" capital, no matter whatever input is given.
  2. Name of the "Test" should remain same as provided in echo command , it should not get changed.
  3. After and before of # there should be only first word present. If user gives input like "Test5:Pass successfully" then successfully should not get printed.

Optional requirement:

  • Can we convert this to a table anyhow of 2 columns and ‘n’ rows?



  1. I can’t help but think this must be a lot easier with Awk.

    awk BEGIN { RS=','; FS=':' }
    NF > 2 { print $1 " # " (tolower($2)s~ /^(test/fail)$/ ? toupper(substr($2, 1, 1)) tolower(substr($2, 2)) : $2) }'
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    1. Using sed, tr, and cut to match the described spec of what the
      output should be, (rather than the inconsistent desired output in
      the OP):

      echo "fOO:paSS,tesT2:fail,TESt:pasS,fdfdhfd:pass,test5:anyresult test,test6:pass asfas " | 
         tr ',' 'n' | 
         sed 's/:[fp]/U&/;s/:/ # /;s/...$/L&/' | 
         cut -d ' ' -f '1-3'


        fOO # Pass
        tesT2 # Fail
        TESt # Pass
        fdfdhfd # Pass
        test5 # anyresult
        test6 # Pass
    2. Two column variant output:

      echo "fOO:paSS,tesT2:fail,TESt:pasS,fdfdhfd:pass,test5:anyresult test,test6:pass asfas " |
         tr ',' 'n' | 
         sed 's/:[fp]/U&/;s/:/t/;s/...$/L&/' | 
         cut -d ' ' -f 1


      fOO Pass
      tesT2   Fail
      TESt    Pass
      fdfdhfd Pass
      test5   anyresult
      test6   Pass
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