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I found the locale_gen module to make sure that locales are present on the system and tried it like described here:

- name: Install EN locale
    name: "de_DE.UTF-8"
    state: present

- name: Install DE locale
    name: "en_US.UTF-8"
    state: present

This throws an error:

/etc/locale.gen and /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local are missing. Is the package “locales” installed?

So I tried to install it:

- name: Install locales package
  become: yes
    name: locales
    state: present

Both Ansible and manual install using sudo yum install locales doesn’t work. I also tried enabling the EPEL repo without success.

How can I make sure that the requestes languages are present on the target system?



  1. There is an open bug report since Aug 27 2018 for centos support. I suggest you vote for it so we get a chance it climbs up the priority list (or submit a PR if you have the required skills and enough time)

    Until this is fixed, you can probably apply the workarround proposed by @wojciech-kopras on april 2019 adapted below from your question (tested successfully against a docker centos:7 container):

    - name: Define needed locales (for example, can be set in vars or inventory)
          - en_US.UTF-8
          - de_DE.UTF-8
    - name: Check existing locales
      shell: "locale -a | grep -i {{ item | regex_replace('-', '') | quote }}"
      register: found_locales
      changed_when: false
      failed_when: false
      loop: "{{ system_settings_locales }}"
    - name: Create missing locales
      command: "localedef -i {{ item.item | regex_replace('(.*)\..*', '\1') | quote }} -f {{ item.item | regex_replace('.*\.(.*)', '\1') | quote }} {{ item.item | quote }}"
      when: item.rc != 0
      loop: "{{ found_locales.results }}"
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  2. Also, for some added context there’s no package named locales which is why original task for yum is failing. The package name containing locale data is glibc-common (at least on RHEL/CentOS 7, should be the same for 8). However, as noted by the first commenter, there appears to be a bug.

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