During the last three months I’ve developed several Python (Python3.6.9) system oriented applications on Centos7.8.
These applications are using the sys, subprocess and timeit packages, which where installed on May 2020 by pip install.
Now I was requested to create a Docker container with these applications and tried to pip install the listed packages within the container (starting with sys):
sudo docker run -i -t centos/python-36-centos7 /bin/bash
(app-root) python -V
Python 3.6.9
(app-root) pip install sys
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement sys (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for sys
The listed packages weren’t found and failed to install with the same ERROR messages.
What might be a problem and how should I solve it ?
Before asking the forum, I've used Docker container based on Python3.6. It complained regarding the missing sys, subprocess, timeit packages. These standard packages were supposed to be contained by default - as wrote ROG_SHAKHYAR.
After updating to Python3.6.9 , I've checked again, and suddenly realized that everything functions well. So, the issue was solved ... :)
My great thanks and appreciation to ROG_SHAKHYAR.
Sys, subprocess, timeit, etc are standard libraries(you don’t need to install them, they come with the pyhton installation candidate) of python, so using pip to install them is pretty useless. Just reinstall python, maybe your python’s standard libs are overwritten by other third party package.