I need SQLite minimum version 3.8 to support a MediaWiki install on Amazon EC2. Amazon Linux is based on CentOS and the latest version available in the yum repository is SQLite 3.7.17.
The downloads available from sqlite.org don’t include 64-bit Linux. There is a GitHub repository that has a prebuilt 64-bit version, however it’s only the command line version. I put it at /usr/bin:
$ which sqlite3
$ sqlite3 --version
sqlite3: /lib64/libtinfo.so.5: no version information available (required by sqlite3)
3.26.0 2018-12-01 12:34:55 bf8c1b2b7a5960c282e543b9c293686dccff272512d08865f4600fb58238b4f9
But MediaWiki still complains I have SQLite 3.7.17 installed. When I test it I get:
$ cat x.php
Run it:
$ php7 x.php
[versionString] => 3.7.17
[versionNumber] => 3007017
I am guessing this is because of these libraries:
$ sudo find / -name "libsqlite*"
How can I download/rebuild or otherwise install a later version of these SQLite libraries?
The easiest option I found was to build it myself. Tested on Amazon Linux release 2 (Karoo).
Download the latest source code with the configure script from here. Currently this is:
curl https://www.sqlite.org/2020/sqlite-autoconf-3320300.tar.gz | tar xzf -
Go into the created directory and create the Makefile with our system dependant options:
cd ./sqlite-autoconf-3320300 && ./configure
Build the binary
Install it
sudo make install
Clean up
cd .. && rm -r ./sqlite-autoconf-3320300
Note: It’s far from ideal to do this without a proper RPM package. If you update sqlite through yum, you will overwrite you manually built version.
Adding on to @halbgut answer, with some changes:
Download the latest source code with the configure script from here. Currently this is:
curl https://www.sqlite.org/2020/sqlite-autoconf-3320300.tar.gz | tar xzf -
Go into the created directory and create the Makefile with our system dependent options:
cd ./sqlite-autoconf-3320300 && ./configure
Build the binary
Install it
sudo make install
Now, you have created the sqlite3 file. You need to replace them everywhere you find the file sqlite3.
To find all these places – run the following command:
Now within the sqlite source folder
, find thesqlite3
files and replace with the following cp commandOnce done, you would have upgraded both env and python-env. Now you need to just define the path to it. For it, use the local/lib in usr.
Now you should have this :
If you just need the sqlite3 binary, the SQLite amalgamation also works perfectly on Amazon Linux 2. For SQLite 33.9.04 (or others from the SQLite Download section):
And then use it as you would any other software compiled from source:
SQLite docs give a good explanation of further options if you need them.
Get the latest sqlite3 download link from https://www.sqlite.org/download.html
and update the link given in the WGET bash command example shown below.