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I have two source files that I am running in Python 3.9. (The files are big…)

File one (

# ...
sessionID = uuid.uuid4().hex
# ...

File two (

# ...
from fileOne import sessionID
# ...

File two is executed using module multiprocessing.

  • When I run on my local machine and print the UUID in file two, it is always unique.
  • When I run the script on Centos OS, it somehow remained the same
  • If I restart the service, the UUID will change once.

My question: Why does this work locally (Windows OS) as expected, but not on a CentOS VM?

To make it clear.

For each separate process, I need that UUID will be the same across FileOne and FileTwo. WHich mean

  • processOne = UUID in file one and in file two will be 1q2w3e
  • processTwo = UUID in file one and in file two will be r4t5y6 (a different one)



  1. When you run your script it generate the new value of the uuid, but when you run it inside some service you code the same as:

    sessionID = 123 # simple constant

    so to fix the issue you can try wrap the code to the function, for example:

    def get_uuid():
        return uuid.uuid4().hex

    in you second file:

    from frileOne import get_uuid
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  2. Your riddle is likely is caused by the way multi-processing works in different operating systems. You don’t mention, but your "run locally" is certainly Windows or MacOS, not a Linux or other Unix Flavor.

    The thing is that multiprocessing on Linux (and up to a time ago on MacOS, but changed that on Python 3.8), used a system fork call when using multiprocessing: the current process is duplicatesd "as is" with all its defined variables and classes – since your sessionID is defined at import time, it stays the same in all subprocesess.

    Windows lacks the fork call, and multiprocessing resorts to start a new Python interpreter which re-imports all modules from the current process (this leads to another, more common cause of confusion, where any code not guarded by an if __name__ == "__main__": on the entry Python file is re-executed). In your case the value for sessionID is regenerated.

    Check the docs at:

    So, if you want the variable to behave reliably and have teh same value across all processes when running multiprocessing, you should either pass it as a parameter to the target functions in the other processes, or use a proper structure meant to share values across processes as documented here:

    (you can also check this recent question about the same topic: why is a string printing 3 times instead of 1 when using time.sleep with multiprocessing imported?)

    If you need a unique ID across files for each different process:
    (As is more clear from the edit and comments)

    Have a global (plain) dictionary which will work as a per-process registry for the IDs, and use a function to retrieve the ID – the function can use os.getpid() as a key to the registry.

    file 1:

    import os
    import uuid
    _id_registry = {}
    def get_session_id():
        return _id_registry.setdefault(os.getpid(), uuid.uuid4())


    from file1 import get_session_id
    sessionID = get_session_id()

    (the setdefault dict method takes care of providing a new ID value if none was set)

    NB.: the registry set up in this way will keep at most the master process ID (if multiprocessing is using fork mode) and itself – no data on the siblings, as each process will hold its own copy of the registry. If you need a working inter-process dictionary (which could hold a live registry for all processes, for example) you will probably be better using redis for it ( – certainly one of the Python bindings have a transparent Python-mapping-over-redis, so you donĀ“t have to worry with the semantics of it)

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