I am not able to upload my media files on Cpanel. Initially I was able to upload files but now it shows Error 404 URL Not Found.
There is nothing wrong with my code or my url as it works fine on localhost.
I have checked for permissions of directory in my CPanel File Manager (its 0755).
I have specified + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT) in my urls.py file.
My settings.py is:
MEDIA_ROOT = '/my/path/public_html/media'
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
I am using Django=2.1 and CPanel Shared Hosting
I know its recommended to have a web server to store and serve media files in Production Environment but it would be helpful if I get a solution of this error.
add this code to passenger_wsgi.py file and change project_name at line 4:
for more: go to here
try adding slash at the end of your path
MEDIA_ROOT = ‘/my/path/public_html/media/’
Edit your settings.py and add the following lines at the end:
Replace username with your cPanel username. The STATIC_ROOT basically points to a folder named static inside your domain root directory. You will use public_html only if you are working on your main domain.
Now, if you are working on a subdomain, you will use the folder name instead of public_html as shown.
Now open the terminal in cpanel, activate the virtual environment and execute the following command:
The static files should be copied to the target folder.
Go to setup python app in cPanel and restart the python app.
You can see more here link