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I know the /s modifier in regex, but it doesn’t work with my specific case.

For example I’m trying to create a spam filter that matches urls with various domains like this

Regex: https://www..+?/u/w{18}/u

The problem is that the spammers insert newlines and = symbols randomly like such:

<area  coords=3D"0,0,1000,1000" href=3D"


<area  coords=3D"0,0,1000,1000" href=3D"https://www.netprofessionalbitcoin.=


<area  coords=3D"0,0,1000,1000" href=3D"

I’m pretty much sure new lines cannot be ignored, but I’m asking in case I’m wrong, or someone knows a better regex tu flag these spammers that would be precise enough.

NOTE: This is for cPanel, so I suppose it’s standard PERL format and I don’t think it supports modifiers like /s anyways.

UPDATE: It seems like the new line is always following the = sign, however this sign can be anywhere in the url.



  1. I came up with this regex that takes into account potential newlines.


    Basically, I use (?:s*?)? which is an optional, non-capturing, lazy match of any number of whitespace characters, including newlines. If you want to restrict it to just newlines, use n instead. Here’s a demo.

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  2. I have changed your regex to support ‘=‘ and White Space (incl. Newlines).

    This the regex:


    What I have changed is to use character classes instead of literal matches. That way the ‘=’ and Newlines are effectively ignored and it will match all your examples.

    The only ‘problem’ is that I removed the ‘{18}‘ quantifier (since those bad characters take up room).

    Edit as per the comment:


    I have changed a dot ‘.‘ to the character class ‘[sS]‘. Now there can be Newlines in the url as well.

    About the 18 quantifier: There’s 20 chars in your second example, so it won’t match if you limit that string.

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