I’ve setup a NodeJS app on Heroku and it can be accessed properly by the randomly generated Heroku url: https://blooming-castle-48256.herokuapp.com/
However, now i’m trying to have the application accessible through a subdomain. I’ve followed the steps outlined in the Heroku documentation (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/custom-domains) and i’m still not getting not able to access the app from my custom subdomain.
In the Heroku dashboard, i’ve added my custom subdomain to be lorem-ipsum.mydomain.me
and Heroku provided a DNS Target of lorem-ipsum.mydomain.me.herokudns.com
In my cpanel Advanced Zone Editor for my domain, i’ve created a CNAME record with a name of lorem-ipsum.mydomain.me.
, a TTL of 1200, and a record of lorem-ipsum.mydomain.me.herokudns.com
When I try accessing lorem-ipsum.mydomain.me
in my browser, I get a error saying:
lorem-ipsum.mydomain.me’s server DNS address could not be found.
Troubleshooting I’ve Done
Using an online DNS checker to check whether the nameservers for the subdomain have been propagated, I discovered that it correctly displays lorem-ipsum.mydomain.me.herokudns.com.
as the nameserver for the subdomain.
When I go to my terminal and execute the command host lorem-ipsum.robertcooper.me
, I received the following error:
Host lorem-ipsum.mydomain.me not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
How can I resolve this issue and have my subdomain properly display my Heroko web app?
Additional Information
My hosting and domain registration for mydomain.me
are both with Namecheap.
Try clearing your local DNS cache.
You can find the method for many different operating systems here
I had this problem, with a domain and subdomain (registered with Ionos) pointing to different locations.
In my case the main domain
went to a Carrd landing page, whilecloud.example.com
went to a Heroku app.I followed the steps in the question above, providing the custom DNS target from Heroku, but it would not work until I enabled SSL certificates in Heroku for that dyno (that means a basic dyno as a minimum, which is now a paid service).
So, in summary, Heroku needed SSL enabled.