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I have root access, but I do not have domain name. I want to upload project and access through IP address. How is it possible?



  1. That would be possible. Enable mod_userdir in WHM -> Apache mod_userdir Tweak. If userdir protection is enabled them uncheck the protection for the desired cpaneluser and also for the user nobody.

    Then access your account like http://server-ip/~cpanelusername

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  2. In Windows system hosts files are located in Windows – SystemRoot > system32 > drivers > etc > hosts
    By default, the system root is C:Windows, so if you are using Windows, your host’s file is most probably: C:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts

    In Linux system hosts files are located in Linux – /etc/hosts

    In Mac system hosts files are located in Mac OS X – /private/etc/hosts

    For more details please check the link

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